Chinese is so admire US. But just can not learn good things from US. Learned all dirty things from US, and then leave good things out.
Leave all Chinese good things out, but just left Chinese bad things to Chinese selves, right?
bzonline123 发表评论于
如果要追根朔原的话,这种凶案的幕后操纵者基本上就是一只白皮肤的黑手。但是全体中国人能够看到的就是黄皮肤的人才是罪犯。貌似只要这种幕后的白皮肤的黑手们不被暴露的话,白皮肤的黑手们就没有欠下血债。今天这些值班的天使们比较偏心,也比较自私。所以做人的在搞懂了玩法后就必须要有相应的对策,否则中国永远是白人的屠宰场。白皮肤的犹太人到中国去宰过了,信耶稣的白人到中国去宰过了,信妈的白人到中国去宰过了,无一例外地都使用黄皮肤的手宰黄种人。No, You still don't know what I'm thinking.