爆炸案一号嫌犯美国妻子曝光 穆斯林打扮

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通过学生时期的好友爆料:美国姑娘Katherine Russell本来有一个成为和平工作者的梦想,然而,他被Tamerlan Tsarnaev彻彻底底地改变了。Yearbook影集揭示了这位土生土长的美国女孩的转变……

美国波士顿爆炸案“一号”嫌疑人Tamerlan Tsarnaev的妻子Katherine Russell日前被拍到返回两人家中取东西。据悉,Russell是一名地道的美国女孩,但自从嫁给Tamerlan之后,就皈依伊斯兰教,整个人也被丈夫“洗脑”,发生了翻天覆地的变化。

据校友介绍,Katherine Russell是一名地道的美国女孩,自从和Tamerlan在一起后,她完全变了一个人,被她的“极端主义者”丈夫洗脑。她21岁时放弃自己的学业,生下女儿。


据称,Russell在大学就读时,遇到了从俄罗斯北高加索地区来美国的Tamerlan,Tamerlan当时是一名很有前途的拳击手和运动员,Russell迅速被其征服。 21岁时,她与Tamerlan成婚,并辍学生下他们的女儿。她也皈依了伊斯兰教,开始戴头巾,整个人也发生了翻天覆地的变化,以至于她的朋友们都不能理解。




Katherine Russell, the widow of Boston bomb suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was 'an all-American girl who was brainwashed' by her extremist husband according to one schoolfriend.

Today MailOnline has gained the first glimpse and pictures of the early life of the woman who, according to those who knew her best, was 'totally transformed' by Tsarnaev.

At high school her personal motto was 'Do something about it or stop complaining'. She dreamed of going to college and joining the Peace Corps.

She urged her friends to 'lighten up and enjoy the small things,' in life.


Transformed: Katherine Russell, the American wife of marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is pictured left(上图) in her school book and, right(下图), leaving the house she shared with her husband in Cambridge

Instead she met Tsarneav, 26, a disenfranchised man who came to America from his troubled homeland of Chechnya who rapidly had her in his thrall.

By the time she was 21 she had married him and borne his child, Zahara, now three. She had converted to Islam, hidden her tumble of chestnut hair beneath the hijab and undergone a change so profound that today few friends profess to truly understand it.

Yesterday Katherine, who has been staying at her parents’ home in Rhode Island, returned to the Cambridge, Massachusetts home which she shared with her late husband.

Dressed in a leopard print hijab she darted into the white shingle house to collect some belongings and her pet cat while her daughter waited in the car.

Today she was back home, accompanied by armed federal agents who first interviewed Katherine and her family on Friday.


What did she know? Katherine's proximity to both brothers makes her a key witness - witting or otherwise. A team of federal agents today delivered a package to her home after her mother reluctantly answered the door

Great future: Her friends say she dreamed of going to the Peace Corps - before she met Tsarnaev

Shortly before 6pm on Sunday three law enforcement agents – two men, one woman - all wearing dark sunglasses delivered a package to the Russell's family home.

Katherine's mother Judith was initially reluctant to answer the front door, opening it fully only after requesting that the officers, thought to be Federal Agents, showed their credentials.

At around 7.30 the Federal agents returned to the Russell family home as there was a marked increase in law enforcement activity in this quiet suburban neighborhood.

MailOnline has learned that the family's attorney entered by a back door as several officers were seen going into the family home.

The agents stayed for just over an hour. Moments after they left, the family's attorney Amato DeLuca did likewise.

Mr DeLuca said he could not discuss any detail of what had passed between his client and the agents, saying only that there were ‘talks.’

He said ‘We’re doing our best to deal with a very difficult situation. The family’s going through a lot. That’s the best I can do at the moment.’


Through the years: She had a comfortable upbringing as the eldest daughter of a doctor and a nurse

Involved: Russell, circled, is pictured with her high school dance team, third from right on the back row

Their presence raises the question how much did Katherine know about her late husband's activities and links?

Katherine's awareness of her then husband's movements, thoughts and plans is under intense scrutiny as her relation to Tsaraev and her proximity to both brothers makes her a key witness  - witting or otherwise.

After all she was living with Tsarnaev when he travelled to Makhachkala in 2011 – a trip now attracting the interest of investigators trying to establish whether he met with Gaczhimurad Dolgatov at that time. Dolgatov was a Dagestani jihadist who died in 2012 after a vicious stand-off with Russian security services.

As it has already been revealed, Tsarnaev was on the FBI's radar during that time as they were asked to look into his potential links to extremist groups.

None who knew her as a child could have dreamed that this would be the face she would one day present to the world, nor that her life and those of so many Bostonians would be so violently caught up with two brothers from Chechnya and a cause as unclear as it was brutal.

Out: She exits a car with her father Warren Russell, left, as they arrive at the family home in Rhode Island

Changed: Her school friends have described how she transformed after meeting Tamerlan Tsarnaev

In hiding: The Russell family home in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, where Katherine is staying

Support: A man, believed to be Warren Russell, father of Katherine Russell, smiles at the media

Family: After pulling into her driveway, Judith Russell, Katherine's mother, spoke briefly with the media

As a girl growing up in Rhode Island Katherine was known to her friends as Katie. One school friend who asked not to be named recalled: ‘I saw her like a few months ago and she was just totally transformed. She was not the same person at all.’

Another agreed: ‘She was just this All-American girl who was brainwashed by her super-religious husband. Nobody understands what happened to her.

‘None of us would have dreamed that she would marry so young or drop out of college and have a baby or convert or be part of any of what’s happened.’

She said, ‘She’s just not the same person at all.’

It would be hard to imagine a childhood more rooted in America’s pilgrim heritage than Katherine’s.  It is in there in the names of the towns – Plymouth, Dorset, Greenwich – where many of her friends still live and writ large in the wholesome values of the one-time Honors student’s home life.

'She was this All-American girl who was brainwashed by her super-religious husband. Nobody understands what happened'

The eldest of three daughters, to emergency physician Dr Warren Russell and nurse Judith, hers is a background steeped in the values of family and education.

She attended Daisyville Middle School, North Kingstown. As a sixth grader she is pictured smiling from the pages of the 2001-2002 yearbook dedicated to The North Kingstown Police and Fire Departments in the wake of 9/11. – a date, the opening dedication reads, ‘forever in our minds.’

A section of the book is titled, ‘Enduring Freedom,’ as the school, along with the rest of the nation, refused to be cowed by the acts of terror that hit the homeland that day.

In 2004 Katherine progressed to North Kingstown High School.

She took part gamely in the school’s Mismatch/Bad Hair Day; she dressed up for Hawaiian day though the occasion fell in a chilly October.

She was a member of the Dance Team and the Art Club. In 11th grade she was awarded a Silver Key for a rather odd image of a cat, lashing out at a mouse in a ballet shoe. Her favorite food was Pad Thai.

She competed with her peers in Class Color Day that ended with a Pep Rally in which seas of the school colors, green, blue, red, black and gold filled the stands at the playing field.

One classmate who remembers Katherine from those early days said: ‘The thing that’s so shocking is that there was nothing at all that made Katherine different.

‘Her parents are nice people, her sisters are great girls. But she met this guy, I guess, and everything changed.’

Katherine was a student at Sussex University, Boston, when she met Tsaraev, then a promising boxer and athlete.

It was during that time that she converted and her youthful priorities appear to have changed as she left in 2010 without graduating.

By then her relationship with Tsaraev was intense. Not even his arrest for violently assaulting her in 2009 could change that.

According to Cambridge City Police Department reports of the incident which took place in July at the Massachusetts home she once shared with Tsaraev, when interviewed she described Tsaraev as ‘a very nice man.’

Certainly he was a man whose influence on Katherine's life would prove profound.

There is only one odd and unsettling inclusion in her own entry in her graduation High School Yearbook.

Asked to provide a quotation she settled on one that would surely chime with the extremist views of her late husband.

‘Don’t take anything for granted,’ she advises, before quoting a line from David Bowie's 'Quicksand': ‘Don’t believe in yourself, don’t deceive with belief,’ the baffling lines run. ‘Knowledge comes from death’s release.’

不要美国式的民主 发表评论于
我在想再过60年的哪一天真的回回生孩子的速度统治了世界, 我这90岁的老朽是不是会被穆斯林强行割了包皮,发炎了怎么办?
jiajiashui 发表评论于
医者意也 发表评论于
乡村妇女 发表评论于
goldenman 发表评论于

为什么爆光其家属的生活照? 其是同谋还是协犯?
Eddiemommy 发表评论于
I know several American muslin women. But they don't dress like her. They at most wear a head scarf. I think the way she dresses up in that outfit clearly show that she is not sensitive to the feelings of victims. I found the family's statement ridiculous too, "My daughter lost her husband, the father of her child." I surely don't give a damn that she lost her husband. I will say bravo!
细草微风 发表评论于
海陬观者 发表评论于
中国人在欧美,大多数时候是这场西方与穆斯林的对抗戏的看客。有的时候不幸被牵扯在内,如这次波士顿爆炸案中的一位女留学生,那是美国军队所说的 collateral damage 池鱼之殃。那就不仅仅是西方国家被袭击时才会发生,如果欧美军警袭击穆斯林的根据地,发生了误炸事件(比率相当高,高过圣战份子成功袭击西方城市的次数),也一样可能波及中国客人。国际新闻上常可见到。
我们平常见到一些满嘴 “普世价值”、“民主自由”的人,遇到穆斯林与西方冲突的时候,就突然忘记自己平日所标榜的意识形态,骤然间可以变脸,转换成另一付残酷无情的面目,如同史蒂文逊描述的 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 一样,蜕变之速蔚为奇观。这倒也不是完全的意外。因为平时从他们在对不同的场合的反应就可察觉,他们内心并没有真正的人道关怀,不过是把那些口号当作斗争的一面旗帜罢了。而今遇到另一个弱势团体不是西方世界,他们当然还是习惯性的支持同一面西方旗帜。至于口号呢,政治上不方便就随时抛弃了吧。
Near50 发表评论于
鼓吹宗教歧途和仇恨人,大体有两类: 无知;或别有用心. 这两个嫌犯也许就是后一种人的牺牲品.
没有xxx才有新ZG 发表评论于
好望角骆驼 发表评论于
neoreturn 发表评论于
医者意也 发表评论于
喝了洋墨水的土土嫂 发表评论于
Near50 发表评论于
Nnww 发表评论于
程公子 发表评论于
whateverj 发表评论于
nanxun 发表评论于
黑天鹅的羽毛 我想问你关于恐怖主义的定义。美国某大兵在阿富汗一次屠杀16个睡梦中的平民,算不算恐怖行为?还是说他打着国家大兵的旗号就不能称为恐怖主义?那么这种屠杀算什么行为?为什么没有人强调这个屠夫的宗教背景(10有89是基督教或者天主教)?网上很多人为之辩解说是精神不正常,难道穆斯林们干这事儿的时候就应该且一定是精神正常?总不能因为美国经常的恐怖行为是以国家的名义且大规模的,就应该被视为理所当然。为了少数富人的利益搞出一堆对美国不满的人,受害的却是平民百姓。不过这事儿跟我没关系,我只关心中国好不好。就算是不小心碰见了炸弹,只怪自己点子低,出门没查皇历。
小扯淡 发表评论于
to: cu29 發表評論於 2013-04-21 22:08:59打死也不能嫁給穆斯林.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------明显带有歧视,加上也不能娶才对.呵呵,都有歧视.不过对一个要娶或嫁一个人就要皈依某个教的要求,本身就扯蛋,心态狭隘,不能包容。以前天主教也有类似要求,不过随着文明进步,好像没了.这就是为什么欧洲发达,中东落后了.中国著名的政治家、音乐家、作家、教育家、诗人等等等等老江童鞋还是说了句有道理的话:要与时俱进.
黑天鹅的羽毛 发表评论于
nanxun 发表评论于
海陬观者 发表评论于
zczc 发表评论于
cdwb 发表评论于
老梆子2 发表评论于
张爱玲的 从阴道到心灵的理论,说明这男的打炮把她打服贴了,心灵的转化也就水到渠成了
Lucinda 发表评论于
亲身经历 发表评论于
cu29 发表评论于
钟楼小奶糕 发表评论于
meinv18 发表评论于
cheekybiggy 发表评论于
Eddiemommy 发表评论于