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参商相遇 发表评论于
他租车出去不住酒店么? 住酒店没有护照怎么入住?太奇怪了,就像租车抵押驾照一样荒诞
老李子 发表评论于
Bad 发表评论于
字母和数字 发表评论于
雲成章曰雯 发表评论于
Driver’s license requirements
At time of rental car pick-up in the U.S. or Canada, all drivers must present a valid, U.S.- or Canadian-issued driver's license in the driver’s name. If you are renting a Budget vehicle in the U.S. and are in possession of a Canadian driver’s license, you will be required to also present a valid passport in the driver’s name. In lieu of a passport and Canadian driver’s license, you may instead present an Enhanced Driver’s License in your name.

Non-U.S. and non-Canadian residents are required to present a valid driver’s license and a passport from their home country. If the information on your driver’s license is not written in the classic Latin alphabet, you must also present an International Driving Permit. If you have indicated on your reservation that you are a non-U.S. resident, you must also present proof of your return trip back to your resident country or your confirmed reservation rate will change. If renting outside of the U.S. or Canada, see driver's license rules for renting in other countries.

"Deposit" credential requirements
The preferred second required credential is a major credit card such as American Express, Budget Charge Card, Budget International, Discover, JCB/Japan Card, MasterCard, Optima, PHH or Visa. Some locations will accept a debit card instead of a credit card, but then we might either check your credit report or require you to present a third form of ID as indicated in the “Debit Card User Instructions” below. Prepaid charge/debit or gift cards are not an acceptable form of identification at rental pick up but may be used for payment at car return.

NOTE: All forms of required identification MUST include a name and address and MUST match the name and address on the renter's driver's license.
stillsingle 发表评论于
ragusa 发表评论于
楼下的 雲成章曰雯 没出门旅游过吗?租用具当然要压护照原件,即使是租个耳机听导游。
捞一把1 发表评论于
雲成章曰雯 发表评论于
虎背熊腰大象腿 发表评论于
扯淡。 如果他用护照租车,在他没还车之前,别人怎么能把护照取出来?


laborlaw 发表评论于