中国鬼滚出南海, 有种别去美国生孩子. 中国鬼有钱没钱都往美国跑。高官贪官和家人各个拿美国護照, 中国鬼反美, 又蓱命往美国跑! 哈哈哈! If It was not US intervention in WWII to liberate China, China people will name Yakamoto and speak in Japanese now. Hahahaaa! You are welcome. Thanks to US, those old soldiers still alive today, you are welcome. Lmfao.
挂篮高手 发表评论于
qing_dao 发表评论于
to 1232 and others,
DO NOT be too 天真... need to focus on who can be friend, who are enemies. In history whcih country has did the most damage to China - Japan, Russia, Europe countries, or US? I think US did the least damage to China, instead it helped China on education - established 清华 University etc ( instead of give back money to Emperor), and sponsored many schools via missionary activites... I went to high school that were sponsored by missionary more than 100 years ago ... Education, science and technology it the key for China to be success in future.... Think about it....
夔 发表评论于
qing_dao 发表评论于
to 1232 and others,
DO be too 天真... need to focus on who can be friend, who is enemy. In history whcih country has did hte most damage to China - Japan, Russia, Europe countries, or US? I think US did the least damage to China, instead help Chins on education - established 清华 University etc, and sponsored many schools via missionary activites... I went to high school that were sponsored more than 100 years ago ... Education, science and technology it the key fro China to success.... Think about it....
By instinct and feeling, we hate the US presence in Asia because it is in the Japanese side. But, after thinking carefully and deeply, you would also find that the United States hates Japanese too because of the Pearl Harbor bombing. We have to acknowledge that the very presence of the United States actually effectively limited/weakened Japan's military capability. Can you imagin what would happen if the United States was not there? I am afraid we might have another 8-year anti-Japanese war.
Hope our nation becomes the sole world Superpower soon. By that time, all the islands and territories would return to China without disputes and wars. But, a democratic, scientific, checked and balanced political system
is essential to become a world Superpower.