Duo xing bu yi bi zi bi. I guess it 's a good depiction of this vice president of Zhejiang University!
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于
Oh! I have found other mistake: I hope the attackers just have their rotten mouths ( not months) shut up, to be self-esteemed! Gengzaihou, whom I have mentioned include you!
Oh! I was in hurry to responding those who have unreasonably attacked me. "Bike " must be " bite "! Oh, man! They were really mean, acted like they are the emperors and I am their servant; Or they are my powerful mother- in- laws and I am a poor daughter-in-law!
novtim2 发表评论于
GG2006 发表评论于
wtf, the stupidest driving style I've ever seen assuming he is a normal person. Well, you get what you want I guess.
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于
To brotherbear, atthistime and tryagain: Who you are? This is US, every body has freedom and rights to do what they want to do, unless it 's unlawful. I typed and I am still typing in English to write a comment or response, since I am unable to type in Chinese on my computer, and also I can practice English ( I learned English by myself!). What was wrong with that? Was it broking the law? Or because I have stepped on your long and BIG tails, so you have had bark me and bike me back hardly as an action of basic, instinctive self - defense? Just have your rotten months to shut up, to be self-esteemed! But do not be panic.
I had doubt about his Philippine Ph.D. degree. Now I have no doubt he has not. Or does it matter anymore?
fair_work 发表评论于 2014-06-13 10:29:46
其PhD学位造假可见一斑。IRRI并不直接授学位,只提供研究项目帮助攻读MS, PhD学位.
"These are students from the public or private sector, developing and developed countries that come to IRRI to work on their MS or PhD degree research. All Scholars are registered with a university for the award of their degree either in their own country, the Philippines, or a third country and do their MS/PhD thesis research at IRRI under the supervision of an IRS. "
报日民人 发表评论于
Darwin Awards 候选人
HBS 发表评论于
His next exit is 30 yrs later, and he just can't wait!
china123 发表评论于 2014-06-13 10:29:45
Huyouge 发表评论于
europehappy 发表评论于
hugh.williams 发表评论于
wangd103 发表评论于
赤松子 发表评论于
浙大校长是司局级, 大卡车应让国家干部先行。
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于
The Audi committed a suicide. That 's it!
I do not drive on the freeways. But I know if you missed the exit, you do not need get panic, but calm down, to stay on the right lane, to wait for the next exit. Then just drive back to be exited. This guy seemed even did not know where he must be exited. Since he was still on the left lane. At least he must be changed to the right slow lane one exit early.
wallingford1964 发表评论于
感觉像是爆胎导致小车失控, 不太像是没看见大车, 人死节哀, 都是命运啊
fair_work 发表评论于
其PhD学位造假可见一斑。IRRI并不直接授学位,只提供研究项目帮助攻读MS, PhD学位.
"These are students from the public or private sector, developing and developed countries that come to IRRI to work on their MS or PhD degree research. All Scholars are registered with a university for the award of their degree either in their own country, the Philippines, or a third country and do their MS/PhD thesis research at IRRI under the supervision of an IRS. "