theriver1 我纠正点细节,I saw then and she grabbed my mirror and put it all the way up.做grab my mirror动作的是刘强东的女助理,不是那女生,当时她正在车座后面被刘强东亲吻呢,如何能抓到司机的镜子。发短信让司机回家的也是女助理,这女生刚认识刘强东,怎么会有司机的电话号码呢?仅供参考
小毛er 发表评论于 2019-07-25 16:49:41
theriver1 发表评论于 2019-07-25 15:53:49
I saw then and she grabbed my mirror and put it all the way up.司机简短的一句话把女生的心机、和性格描述得淋漓尽致。当警方问道二人在后座有否听到No或Stop之类的言辞时,司机坚定地说 No, I did not (No和I did not一起用,表示非常肯定的意思)。 后面司机提到他在公寓外面等了一小时后接到女生发的短信让他可以离开了,而且是在司机问过“还有其它事情吗”,而女生说“没有了”之后。这个短信是个关键证据,因为司机绝无可能在这个问题上做伪证!如果女生被强奸,一定是在这一个小时之内,也绝无可能让司机回去且说没事了!
Q:When you’re in her apartment, what happens next?
A:I said I'm go to... you know... go to bed. She cleaned the bed and... uh... she suggested me to go to take a shower and she said she can help me. And I said oh that's fine. So we both went to the bathroom and she, uh you know, cleaned my body, and then I went to bed. She stayed at the bathroom for a while and I think she also take a shower at the time. And then we went to bed.