
明月清凉地,佳茗在握时。   淡淡微风起,停杯欲语迟。
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    呵呵,本来是为了一位才女开的这个版,没想到这里只能有一个斑竹,奇怪!而且这里没有斑竹管理,更奇怪!这让我感到很对不住她,也让她怀疑起我君子坦荡荡的居心:)郁闷!版奇怪没什么大不了,实在不行做网上硬盘好了,对不住美女可就有些姗姗可恶了。 很久没在bbs混了,都有些不知道怎么办才好,看看这里的管理人好象也没什么管版的经验,居然只有一个版名挂在那里,看来也只是想提供一个大家放文章的空间而已,从这点看来,倒是不错的功德。



修尔曼虹 发表评论于
I'm going re-read your posting since earlier I didn't know you live in Germany. You know what? Part of the reason I dare not to re-read is - I might speechless after reading all your postings. I mean I probably don't know how to response your postings since I feel so shallow sometimes compare to your life experience and writing skills.. haha...

I don't blame you. You told me the administrator of this site will do some update which include adding email notice if there is any new comments or follow-up comments. I have been waiting and never happened... haha...
I know - patience is virtue.