公园东北部有大片的蚀地 (BADLAND) 算是这里的又一特色,常吸引地质考古系的学生前来光顾。据说,这种景观是第三紀上新世 (PLIOCENE) 的产物。谁知道呢,反正最佳的赏景地点应该在 FONTS POINT。居高临下,一切乱岗蚀地尽收眼底。只可惜我没敢让自己的两轮驱动汽车踏上去 FONTS POINT 雨后松软的沙土路半步,心想着,车一旦陷住,荒漠之中岂不要了我的盒儿钱。作为补救,我只能迈开双腿办点儿力所能及之实事,拍了几张蚀地烂景。你别说,坐在蚀地边观看伤痕累累的地貌,那感觉就是不一样,一切的一切顿时都变得渺小起来。我琢磨着,如果再赶上一场瓢泼大雨,滚滚洪流卷着泥沙的场面肯定又是一番壮观。
这次野游唯一的憾事就是没有时间去看看 ELEPHANT TREE (大象树)。其实,这树在问讯处的停车场就有,我几次举起相机,最后还是放下。人工种植的东西总不如荒野里的林子自然。我一直告诉自己,下次有空再去,一定要看看那皮儿糙肉厚的大象树。唉,我的下一次已经多了去了,真不知道何年何月这个下一次才能成真。
It's a worthy place to go. People have different preferences on the kind of places to visit. In my mind, Anza-Borrego is definitely worth visiting - it shows the true desert scenery of southern California. Places like Anza-Borrego SP, Joshua Tree NP, Mojave Desert and even Death Valley NP are different from well known parks such as Yosemite and Sequoia, but they are just as beautiful and are great starting points to appreciate the geography, geology and natural beauty of southern California. I enjoyed your writing and photos. I liked the Borrego Palm Canyon Trail. It was at the end of this trail that I truly understood the word Oasis. I also found the Panoramic Overlook Trail rewarding - great 360-degree views of the desert floor at the end vista point! - 由【seaotter】评论 于 2003-12-16 12:12:00 摘自《文学城-世界风情》