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For fun only

(Based on a true story)

It was a summer night, late and dark, hot and humid, and I was driving home after a grueling day and overtime load, tired and drowsy. I drove; no thinking and no reaction, only had one idea in mind, which was go to bed quickly.

I finally reached home in safe. I turned off the engine and head light, and got everything in hands. Right before opening the door, I was accustomed to looking up the real mirror. At my great surprise, I saw a police car parking not far away from my car, with green light blinking. “What is the hell going on, where is this police car coming from? I murmured.

The officer was walking toward my car, and my heart started pumping a little bit faster.

I opened the door and ready to step out the car.

“Stay inside the car, sir.” the officer said to me.

I followed his order and opened the window.

“How are you doing tonight? Sir. “ Officer greeted me with his smile, the unique, police-style smile.

“So so. What’s wrong, Officer?” I asked.

“Can I see your car registration, insurance card and driver license”, the officer’s voice was soft but scary.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked while showing him my insurance card and driver license, and searching for the car registration.

“Do you know how fast you drive down that hill?”

“I don’t know, but I guess not very fast.” My instinct told me that I did not drive very fast in that downhill after entering the gate.

 “You were driving 25, sir.”

“So, is that speeding”?

“Do you know what is the speed limit in that hill? It is 10 miles per hour, and you drove 25, that is too fast, sir”.

“Oh, My God”. Of course I know there is a sign of 10-mile speed limit in that damn hill. I drive days in and days out, but who is going to drive 10mile per hour anyway. I almost want to yell at him.

“Yes, I know that, but I don’t think I am speeding, come on, Officer, I only drove 25miles.” I had to pretend and be calm to make my final petition and denying.

The Officer appeared to ignore my voice. “I will right be back, and you stay inside the car, sir.”

I knew what he is going to do, checking my driving record and writing a ticket, that is all officers can do! But I was still hoping that he might not ticket me. I was sitting inside the car with angry, I knew it was not my day and luck, I felt I was singled out tonight.

In a while, the officer came back with a ticket. “Here is your ticket, and I am holding your driver license. You can get your license back after you pay the ticket, either mail in or pay it at the village office.”

I grabbed the ticket and threw it in the car seat even without a looking. I bet the officer is getting used to this kind of rude action.

“Next time, slow down, and have a good night,” The Officer said very politely before leaving me alone.

“You too.” I reacted politely; even knowing that I had to pay $75 for so-called speeding by driving 25 miles per hour.

Next morning, the first thing I did was to get my driver license back by paying the ticket at the village office. That was one of such experiences that I will never forget. Every time when I recalled this, I could not stop laughing myself, “ got a ticket by driving 25miles per hour, can you believe that?

Yeah, you better believe it. Anything can happen in this world out there, particularly in the dark, at wrong time and wrong place , and at 魔界. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

To help you in driving safely, I posted one of 最适合驾车时欣赏的十首歌曲 (I swear that it is not my intention to have you ticketed ::))))

(ZT) 当你轻点油门,享受着风,享受着阳光,享受着奔驰的快乐时,一首好歌,绝对会让自己的感觉升华——high,我想那会是你唯一能够描绘自己感觉的词语。 第一名、《every breath you take》(the police) 把这首歌列为十大之首,应该没人会有异议吧。歌曲强烈的节奏,不就是那滚滚向前的车轮声音吗?而sting沙哑的呐喊和忧郁的诉说,会让人感到意乱神迷。老实说,我曾经不止一次地随着这歌声,融化在了龙珠大道的衰草斜阳中。   理想时速:60km/h以上;   理想时间:黄昏;   理想地点:任何道路 download

P.S. If any one is ticketed while listening to this song during driving, please send the receipt for your reimbursement to


Alien Complexes on Mars

Shuttle 56879022-00987

Big Head City, Mars, 337774475776888


Have a good day!
