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                                   2004.25.COT 于加拿大

autoclub 发表评论于

为什么要有八位啊? - autoclub (ID: 414)
happy_woodpecker - df3c (ID: 634)
Happy woodpecker would like to make a friend with you, contact me at 07795006437(vodafone)
-停车库- - -海螺- (ID: 740)

zhaohan88 - hzhao (ID: 725)

autoclub 发表评论于
Demand a Better Environment
have to admit that I spent less and less time here in this forume. The golden age of this forume is no longer here anymore. Whatever left are question that asked again and again. I am kinda miss the fight between JP cars and US cars, at least somebody have the facts to talk about.

Here are some new trends in this place:
1. Traffic Violater: People who screwed and want to be a smart ASS on the court. They are looking for advises how to talk them out of trouble or simple lie. Most of them does not even have something to work with, only few have good arrguments. I have seen alot of these people here lately.

2. Stupid Buyer: People who buy the car first and then do the research. Now they felt very bad coz of the deal. They are lack of common senses and emotionally unstable. If you tell them the truth, they may die. Easy on them. I do enjoy to make them feel even worse.

3. Man from Stone age: They just type a line and ask question that is so gerneral that we dont even know how to start. The answer can be 2000 words longl. Typical questions are "how to get a good deal at car dealer?". "My car does not start." Dude, if your IQ is smaller than your shoe size, you should not drive.

4. Fighter: They add spicies in this place. They will fight for the country's independence or the products quality. They dont have a registered name. They dont use the name anyway, they just fight about every thing it is there. I am glad we kept them here online, otherwise they may become a suicide bomber.

5. Dumb Woamn: They are the female version of the stpid people. They have a female name and starts asking for advises. Female name attract to particular male population. However, they will never come back.

These are only part of the people here.

I have been to aother forumes these days. most of them allow people sale their own stuff. Manager also allow the approved dealer advertise sales here. Most stuff that for sale are very cheap between 50 to 300 bucks. Most of them are good deal. I hope we can start something like that too.

I can not stop mention that "IF you want to get a good answer from you questions, you need give out more information." Location is the most important information that we need work with. If not, I can BS you all day and not helpful.

Hate too talk like a old man. I will come back once awhile not as often as I use to be anymore. Have fun.

文章来源: casinoeye 于 2004-10-31 15:24:11