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当初看莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥的catch me if you can时,对片中父亲说的那个寓言很有感触,我认为对大家找工作甚至今后生活中遇到低谷都有好处,这个寓言大概的中文意思是: 两只老鼠不小心掉到了一个奶油桶中,一只老鼠很快放弃了挣扎然后淹死了。另一只不愿放弃,他奋力挣扎,最终将奶油搅拌成了固态的黄油然后成功的爬了出来。 各位在IT低谷期毕业的同学,你们是第几只老鼠呢? 附英文大意: two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. one quickly gave up and drowned. the other one wouldn't quit. he struggled so hard and tried to survive. finally, he churned the cream into butter and crawed out. ladies and gentlemen,at this moment, which mouse you want to be?
