Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Computer Systems & Telematics
->Members -> Zahn
List of Peer-to-Peer Conferences
I have compiled the following (non-exhaustive) list that contains recent and future conferences that deal (at least in part) with Peer-to-Peer related topics. If you're interested in network conferences in general, Tim Moors' site is probably the "place to be". If you happen to know of any other P2P conference that I've missed, please let me know :-)
(Please note that the criteria for a conference to show up on my list is that at least ONE of its papers is about P2P. Thus, it could be that an upcoming conference gets expunged from the list as its final program becomes available)
October 2005
10-12 | San Diego, CA, USA | ICCCN 2005 | Fourteenth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks |
September 2005
20-26 | Okinawa, Japan | APNOMS 2005 | The 7th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium |
30-02 | Trondheim, Norway | VLDB 2005 | 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases |
August 2005
20-26 | Philadelphia, PA, USA | ACM SIGCOMM 2005 | ACM SIGCOMM 2005 |
30-02 | Lisboa, Portugal | Euro-Par 2005 | Euro-Par 2005 |
??-?? | Zurich, Switzerland | P2P2005 | The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing |
July 2005
20-22 | Fukuoka, Japan | ICPADS 2005 | The 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems |
17-20 | Las Vegas, NV, USA | PODC 2005 | Twenty-Fourth Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing |
??-?? | ?? | CLADE | Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments |
??-?? | ?? | HPDC-14 | The Fourteenth IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing |
June 2005
06-08 | Stockholm, Sweden | POLICY 2005 | IEEE 6th International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks |
06-08 | Seattle, WA, USA | MobiSys '05 | 3rd International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services |
06-09 | Columbus, OH, USA | ICDCS 2005 | The 25th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems |
10 | Columbus, OH, USA | MPPS05 | The First International Workshop on Mobility in Peer-to-Peer Systems |
12-15 | Santa Fe, NM, USA | HotOS X | 10th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems |
13-17 | Porto, Portugal | CAiSE'05 | The 17th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering |
14-17 | Oslo, Norway | ICPP-05 | The 2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing |
16-17 | Varna, Bulgaria | CompSysTech' 2005 | International Conference on Computer Systems and TechnologiEs |
20-23 | Dubrovnik, Croatia | ITI 2005 | 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces |
25-27 | Montreal, Canada | IDEAS 2005 | 9th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium |
25-28 | Baltimore, MD, USA | ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2005 | ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2005 Conference |
27-30 | La Manga del Mar Menor, Cartagena, Spain | ISCC 2005 | The Tenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications |
28-01 | Yokohama, Japan | DSN-2005 | The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks |
May 2005
02-04 | Boston, MA, USA | NSDI '05 | 2nd Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation |
02-06 | Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | Networking 2005 | The Fourth IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference |
09-12 | Cardiff, UK | CCGrid 2005 | Cluster Computing and Grid 2005 |
09-12 | Cardiff, UK | GP2PC 2005 | Fifth International Workshop on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing |
09-13 | Ayia Napa, Cyprus | MDM 2005 | 6th International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
10-14 | Chiba, Japan | WWW2005 | The 14th International World Wide Web Conference |
16-18 | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | CNSR2005 | Third Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research |
16-20 | Seoul, Korea | ICC 2005 | IEEE International Conference on Communications |
24-25 | Miami, FL, USA | WIS 2005 | The Fourth International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems |
25-28 | Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA | MobiHoc 2005 | Sixth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing |
April 2005
02-08 | San Diego, CA, USA | HPC 2005 | High Performance Computing Symposium |
03-07 | Trento, Italy | WiOpt 2005 | 3rd Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks |
04-08 | Denver, CO, USA | IPDPS 2005 | 19th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium |
04-08 | Chengdu, China | ISADS 2005 | The 7th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems |
05-08 | Tokyo, Japan | ICDE 2005 | The 21st International Conference on Data Engineering |
07-09 | Phoenix, AZ, USA | IPCCC 2005 | 24th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference |
10-13 | Nicosia, Cyprus | EW 2005 | 11th European Wireless Conference 2005 |
10-15 | Anaheim, CA, USA | USENIX 2005 | 2005 USENIX Annual Technical Conference |
12-14 | Beijing, China | SIGCOMM ASIA Workshop 2005 | ACM SIGCOMM ASIA Workshop |
17-21 | Reunion, France (DOM) | ICN'05 | 4th International Conference on Networking |
18-20 | Rome, Italy | EURO-NGI | 1st Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks - Traffic Engineering |
March 2005
08-12 | Kauai Island, HI, USA | PerCom 2005 | Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications |
07-11 | Miami, FL, USA | INFOCOM 2005 | The 24th Conference of the IEEE Communications Society |
12 | Kauai Island, HI, USA | MP2P'05 | 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing |
13-17 | New Orleans, LA, USA | WCNC 2005 | IEEE Wireless Communications and Network Conference |
19-22 | Tucson, AZ, USA | ICNSC 2005 | 2005 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Controling |
28-30 | Tamkang University, Taiwan | AINA 2005 | The 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications |
February 2005
26-27 | Innsbruck, Austria | PDCN 2005 | The IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks |
26-27 | Ithaca, NY, USA | IPTPS '05 | 4th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems |
21-23 | Grindelwald, Switzerland | EuroIMSA 2005 | The IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications |
January 2005
03-06 | Cairo, Egypt | AICCSA 2005 | The 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications |
03-06 | Las Vegas, NV, USA | CCNC 2005 | 2005 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference |
03-06 | Big Island, HI, USA | HICSS 2005 | 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences |
04-07 | Asilomar, CA, USA | CIDR 2005 | Second Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research |
17-20 | San Jose, CA, USA | MMCN '05 | Twelfth Annual Multimedia Computing and Networking |
31-04 | Trento, Italy | SAINT2005 | The 2005 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet |
December 2004
02-03 | English Lake District, UK | WMCSA '04 | 6th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications |
06-08 | San Francisco, CA, USA | OSDI'04 | Sixth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation |
20-22 | Adelaide, Australia | WITSP'04 | 3rd Workshop on the Internet, Telecommunications, and Signal Processing |
November 2004
08-10 | Cambridge, MA, USA | CCN 2004 | The 2nd IASTED International Conference on Communication and Computer Networks |
09-11 | Cambridge, MA, USA | PDCS 2004 | The 16th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems |
15-16 | San Diego, CA, USA | HotNets-III | Third Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks |
16-19 | Singapore | ICON 2004 | IEEE International Conference On Networks |
29-03 | Dallas, TX, USA | GLOBECOM 2004 | IEEE Global Communications Conference |
October 2004
05-08 | Berlin, Germany | ICNP 2004 | 12th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols |
11-13 | Chicago, IL, USA | ICCCN 2004 | Thirteenth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks |
18-20 | Florianopolis, Brazil | SRDS 2004 | 23rd Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems |
18-20 | Wuhan, China | NPC 2004 | IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing |
September 2004
19-22 | Leuven, Belgium | SIGOPS 2004 | 11th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop |
26-01 | Philadelphia, PA, USA | MobiCom 2004 | MobiCom 2004 |
August 2004
09-11 | Boston, MA, USA | ASWN 2004 | 4th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks |
15-18 | Montreal, Canada | ICPP-04 | The 2004 International Conference on Parallel Processing |
25-27 | Zurich, Switzerland | P2P2004 | The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing |
07-08 | Toronto, Canada | DBISP2P'04 | The Second International Workshop On Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing |
30-03 | Cambridge, MA, USA | NCA 04 | The 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications |
30-03 | Portland, OR, USA | SIGCOMM 2004 | ACM SIGCOMM 2004 |
30-03 | Toronto, Canada | VLDB 2004 | 30th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases |
31-03 | Pisa, Italy | Euro-Par 2004 | Euro-Par 2004 |
July 2004
07-09 | Coimbra, Portugal | IDEAS '04 | 8th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium |
07-09 | Newport Beach, CA, USA | ICPADS 2004 | The Tenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems |
19-23 | New York, NY, USA | AP2PC 2004 | Third International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing |
20-22 | Newcastle, UK | CSNDSP 2004 | Fourth International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing |
25-28 | St. John's, NF, Canada | PODC 2004 | Twenty-Third Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing |
June 2004
04-06 | Honolulu, HI, USA | HPDC-13 | The Thirteenth IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing |
06-09 | Boston, MA, USA | MobiSys 2004 | The Second International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services |
07-09 | Yorktown Heights, NY, USA | POLICY 2004 | IEEE 5th International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks |
07-10 | Dubrovnik, Croatia | ITI 2004 | 26th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces |
07-11 | Riga, Latvia | CAiSE'04 | The 16th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering |
11-13 | Lahore, Pakistan | INCC 2004 | The International Networking and Communications Conference |
13-18 | Paris, France | SIGMOD / PODS 2004 | ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2004 Conference |
20-24 | Paris, France | ICC 2004 | The IEEE International Conference on Communication |
27-02 | Boston, MA, USA | USENIX 2004 | 2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference |
28-01 | Florence, Italy | DSN-2004 | The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks |
29-01 | Alexandria, Egypt | ISCC'2004 | The Ninth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications |
May 2004
09-14 | Athens, Greece | Networking 2004 | The Third IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference |
17-22 | New York, NY, USA | WWW2004 | The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference |
19-21 | Fredericton, NB, Canada | CNSR 2004 | 2nd Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research |
24-26 | Tokyo, Japan | MobiHoc 2004 | Fifth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing |
26-28 | Suzhou, China | FTDCS 2004 | 10th International Workshop on Future Trends in Distributed Computing Systems |
April 2004
13-14 | Porto, Portugal | WIS 2004 | The Third International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems |
14-17 | Phoenix, AZ, USA | IPCCC 2004 | 23rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference |
19-22 | Chicago, IL, USA | CCGrid2004 | 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid |
19-23 | Seoul, South Korea | NOMS 2004 | 2004 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium |
26-30 | Santa Fe, NM, USA | IPDPS 2004 | International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium 2004 |
March 2004
01-04 | Guadeloupe, France (DOM) | ICN'04 | 3rd International Conference on Networking |
07-11 | Hong Kong, China | INFOCOM 2004 | The 23rd Conference of the IEEE Communications Society |
14-17 | Orlando, FL, USA | MP2P'04 | The First International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing |
21-25 | Atlanta, GA, USA | WCNC 2004 | IEEE Wireless Communications and Network Conference |
23-26 | Tokyo, Japan | ICDCS 2004 | The 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems |
29-31 | Fukuoka, Japan | AINA 2004 | The 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications |
29-31 | San Francisco, CA, USA | NSDI '04 | USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation |
30-02 | Boston, MA, USA | ICDE 2004 | 20th International Conference on Data Engineering |
February 2004
09-11 | Phoenix Park, South Korea | ICACT2004 | The 6th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology |
17-19 | Innsbruck, Austria | PDCN 2004 | The IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks |
18-20 | Zurich, Switzerland | IZS 2004 | 2004 International Zurich Seminar on Communications |
24-27 | Barcelona, Spain | EW 2004 | The Fifth European Wireless Conference |
26-27 | San Diego, CA, USA | IPTPS '04 | 3rd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems |
January 2004
05-08 | Las Vegas, NV, USA | CCNC 2004 | 2004 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference |
19-22 | Berkeley, CA, USA | MDM 2004 | 2004 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
21-22 | Santa Clara, CA, USA | MMCN 2004 | SPIE Conference on Multimedia Computing and Networking |
26-30 | Tokyo, Japan | SAINT2004 | The 2004 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet |
December 2003
01-05 | San Francisco, CA, USA | GLOBECOM 2003 | IEEE Global Communications Conference |
November 2003
03-05 | Marina del Rey, CA, USA | PDCS 2003 | 15th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems |
04-07 | Atlanta, GA, USA | ICNP 2003 | 11th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols |
20-21 | Cambridge, MA, USA | HotNets-II | Second Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks |
October 2003
01-03 | Sorrento, Italy | DISC 2003 | 17th International Symposium on Distributed Computing |
06-08 | Florence, Italy | SRDS2003 | The 22nd Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems |
06-09 | Orlando, FL, USA | VTC2003-Fall | IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference |
06-09 | Kaohsiung, Taiwan | ICPP-03 | THE 2003 International Conference On Parallel Processing |
20-22 | Dallas, TX, USA | ICCCN 2003 | The 12th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks |
20-22 | Heidelberg, Germany | DSOM 2003 | The fourteenth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations & Management |
20-23 | Shanghai, China | ICCNMC-03 | The 2003 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing |
September 2003
01-03 | Linköping, Sweden | P2P2003 | The Third IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing |
07-08 | Berlin, Germany | DBISP2P | International Workshop On Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing |
09-12 | Berlin, Germany | VLDB 2003 | 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases |
19 | San Diego, CA, USA | MobiDE 2003 | Third International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access |
22-24 | University of Aizu, Japan | DNIS 2003 | 3rd Workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems |
28-01 | Sydney, Australia | ICON 2003 | The 11th IEEE International Conference on Networks |
August 2003
25-29 | Karlsruhe, Germany | SIGCOMM 2003 | ACM SIGCOMM 2003 |
26-29 | Klagenfurt, Austria | Euro-Par 2003 | International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing |
July 2003
13-16 | Boston, MA, USA | PODC 2003 | Twenty-Second ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing |
14 | Melbourne, Australia | AP2PC 2003 | Second International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing |
June 2003
09-12 | San Diego, CA, USA | SIGMOD / PODS 2003 | ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2003 Conference |
09-14 | San Antonio, TX, USA | USENIX 2003 | USENIX 2003 Annual Technical Conference |
16-20 | Klagenfurt, Austria | CAISE'03 | The 15th Conference On Advanced Information Systems Engineering |
22-24 | Seattle, WA, USA | HPDC-12 | The Twelfth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing |
23-24 | San Jose, CA, USA | WIAPP'03 | 2003 IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications |
30-03 | Antalya, Turkey | ISCC'2003 | IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications |
May 2003
12-15 | Tokyo, Japan | CCGrid2003 | The 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid |
18-21 | Lihue, HI, USA | HotOS IX | 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems |
19-22 | Providence, RI, USA | ICDCS 2003 | The 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems |
20-24 | Budapest, Hungary | WWW2003 | The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference |
28-30 | San Juan, PR, USA | FTDCS 2003 (orig conf page no longer available) | The 9th International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems |
April 2003
15-18 | Cambridge, MA, USA | NCA'03 | The IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications |
22-26 | Nice, France | IPDPS 2003 | International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium |
March 2003
03-05 | Sophia-Antipolis, France | WiOpt'03 | WiOpt'03: Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks |
05-08 | Bangalore, India | ICDE 2003 (orig conf page no longer available) | 19th International Conference on Data Engineering Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society |
06 | Sophia-Antipolis, France | MADNET 2003 | Workshop on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing |
16-20 | New Orleans, LA, USA | WCNC 2003 | IEEE Wireless Communications and Networks Conference |
27-29 | Xidian University, China | AINA 2003 | The International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications |
30-03 | San Francisco, CA, USA | INFOCOM 2003 | The 22nd Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies |
February 2003
20-21 | Berkeley, CA, USA | IPTPS '03 | 2nd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems |
January 2003
05-08 | Asilomar, CA, USA | CIDR 2003 | First Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research |
21-24 | Melbourne, Australia | MDM 2003 | 4th International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
27-31 | Orlando, FL, USA | SAINT-2003 | The 2003 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet |
October 2002
28-29 | Princeton, NJ, USA | HotNets-I | First Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks |