
This is a new place for me which contains most common staff of my life, hopefully, It can be with me for my whole life in Americ
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I have to do a lot for this semester, Jade's horrible professional paper, another two papers from Larry and Ward. We were planing to have a fun, and it was indeed good, however, the call came in, I knew it just a common phone, but from him, I suddenly lost all my passion... she never feel that is unsuitable? I dont know it anyway, she is selfish, I cutted off all my connections with other gals, just to make sure I am the only to her, and I have responsibility to her, should not let her down... I wrote a mail to her: 给我的爱人 莉莉, 我知道你也不是故意的,没有办法拒绝他的电话和问候,我很想不生气,可是我很难做到,对每一对相爱的人来说, 爱都是唯一的,自私的,我想你也明白,我知道你们没有什么,可是对任何一个男人来说,是很难接受这个状况的,你是我生活的中心,我不想你不高兴,我不知道该怎么办,可我是如此的爱你。。。 宝贝,对不起,你的邮箱我从来没有进去过,只是有个转发的程序,我已经删除了,密码我是不知道的,如果不信,你就换一个吧。我向你道歉。 爱你的哥哥
