Foreword 序言2

World war I was now over. China had sent some 150,000laborers to france, and Yutang accepted a job at the American YMCA to teach the laborers to read and write. The couple moved to Le Creusot, a small town in france. When they had saved some money, Yutang had taught himself germany and they went to the university of Jena in germany because the living standard there was lower. Yutang took courses and transferred credit to receive his master’s from Harvard. To the dean of Harvard graduate school he wrote in 1920, “I don’t wish to plead for any special leniency in giving me the degree. Now am I going to be intellectually arrested myself after I should get the degree. It si for the reason of great practical utility that I wish to have this certificate. I believe that the Harvard degree will make my progress through the german university much quicker and easier.” In 1923, he received his ph.D in philology from Leipzig university, and returned to china.



The country was in turmoil. Politically, china was in the grip of feudal warlords who fought one another incessantly. Yutang, a professor in the English department of Beida, wrote articles and criticized the corrupt and ineffective government. The feuding warlords fought on. Duan Qirui ordered the arrest of some 50 professors and newspapermen who criticized the government. Yutang’s name was on the list. Two editors who were arrested were shot in the same night.




But now my parents had two draughts, my elder sister and myself. We left for Xiamen, where father joined the faculty of Xiamen University as dean of the college of arts and letters. But university politics made it impossible for him to stay on, and a year later, he joined the ministry of foreign affairs in the wuhan government, because he admired foreign minister chen yuanren, whom he had known in Beijing. When the wuhan government was toppled in 1927, father quit his job, and we moved to Shanghai.



Here, he began to write the enormously successful Kaiming  English Booksa series that was adopted as textbooks for middle schools. With his founding of the analects bimonthly in 1932 in shanghai, father made his reputation in china. The magazine specialized in humor and satire, but it was father’s contributions that most captured the readers. Poking fun at government officials, he once said “although you are an official, you still look like a man.”






Father’s lacerating wit earned him the reputation of enfant terrible and accolade “master of humor”. In 1934 and 1935, he started two more magazines, this human world and the cosmic wind. Also at this time, father was writing an English column called the little critic which appeared in china critic magazine, as well as editing a Chinese dictionary in the style of the concise oxford dictionary. At the same time, he was translating English works into Chinese, such as the biography of henrik Ibsen and george Bernard shaw’s Pygmalion. And he was translating Chinese into English, the most notable work of which was qing dynasty author shen fu’s six chapters of a floating life, which was published in bilingual form in shanghai in 1935. the author wrote about the idyllic life he led with his wife yun, whom father described in a preface as “one of the loveliest of women in Chinese literature”. The story and the translation received wide attention.


父亲机智犀利的风格为他赢得了“机智坏小子”的称号,并被誉为幽默大师。1934年和1935年他又创办了两本杂志,“人间世”和“宇宙风”。 同时,他还在为中国评论家杂志主持一个名为“小评论家的英语专栏,按照简明牛津辞典的风格编纂一部汉语辞典;翻译英语著作,如亨利克易卜生的传记和肖伯纳的皮格梅隆;并将汉语名著译作英语,其中最著名的是他翻译的清朝作家沈复的浮生六记,该书1935年以中英对照的方式在上海出版。原著作者在书中记录了他和他的夫人云的田园诗式的生活。父亲曾在序言中把云称为”中国文学中最可爱的女子之一“。原著及译作都受到了广泛的注意。


Father’s little critic essays caught the attention of pearl s buk, who was living in china, and whose novel the good earth had won the Pulitzer prize. One evening the two writers met. They had been speaking of foreign writers in cina, when father suddenly said, I should like to write a book telling exactly what I feel about china.




you are the one to do it,” Mrs. Buck replied enthusiastically.


