One morning in 1905, or the 31st year of the reign of tEmperor Guangxu of Qing Dynasty, two brothers set out by boat from their hometown Boa-ah, a mountain hamlet in
The pastor was not a follower of convention, so the boys did not wear queues. Yutang was a little guy, deeply tanned, with a prominent forehead, a pair of sparkling eyes, and a narrow chin. Six miles later, when the skiff came to xiaoli, the boys changed to a five-sail junk, and sailed toward zhangzhou on west river. There were paddy fields and farm houses on either side of the river, and tall mountains stood behind them, clad in grey-purplish hues. Yutang thought it inexpressibly beautiful. After a days journey, the junk tied up against the bank under some bamboo trees. Yutang was told to lie down, cover himself with a blanket and go to sleep.
But sleep was the last thing on the boy's mind. The boatman sitting at the junk's was sucking his pipe, and between gulps of bitter tea, telling stories about the empress Dowager Cexi, who ruled the court today, having put the emperor guagnxu under house arrest for supporting the reformers at the palace. Another junk was tied up on the opposite bank, brightly lit by lanterns. A soft breeze wafted sounds of merrymaking and music from a lute across the water. Oh, what a beautiful scene! Yutang thought. I must remmeber this evening well, so that the sights and sounds will always be fresh in my mind when I recall this night, however old I might be.
At the thought of going to the school in
My father often repeated this story to me. As I sat in his study, surrounded by bookshelves of his works, I knew that grandfather's words were the inspiration of his life. In his 80 years, my father wrote and translated more than 50 books and became a world-renowned author. The new york times said at the time of his death, "Lin Yutang had no peer as an interpreter to western minds of the customs, aspirations, fears and thought of his people." father was a novelist, essayist, philosopher, philologist and lexicographer. He also invented a chinese typewriter. "but he was more,” wrote Prof. Nelson I. Wu of Washington University of St. Louis, Missouri. “He was a total man, stubbornly going his own way through the criticism of lesser minds to become a universial genius.”
我的父亲经常向我反复诉说这个故事。当我坐在他的书房,四周被放满了他的著作的书架包围的时候,我明白祖父的话曾经是他生活的鞭策。在八十岁的时候,父亲已经创作和翻译了50本书,并成了一个世界闻名的作家。纽约时报在他去世的时候报道说,“林语堂在向西方人的诠释他的人民的风俗习惯,理想追求,担忧恐惧和所思所想方面举世无双,无与伦比。”父亲是个小说家,散文家,哲学家,语言学家和字典编纂者。他甚至还发明了一种中文打字机。“但是他的贡献不止这些”,位于美国密苏里州圣路易斯的华盛顿大学的Nelson I Wu教授写道“他是一个彻头彻尾的人,他不顾少数人的批评,执着的坚持自己的道路,并成了一个世界级的天才。”
Father was born in 1895, the fifth of six sons of Lin Zhicheng. The Presbyterian pastor, a self-taught man, communicated to his children a passionate zest for all that was new and modern from the west, and decided that his sons must learn English and receive western educations. With the help of one of his brothers and a loan, Yutang attended
When he graduated from
When he was not reading, Yutang tried to devise a better method for looking up characters in a Chinese dictionary than the prevailing Kangxi method, the bane of scholars and students alike. At the age of 23, he published “an index system for Chinese characters” for which Cai Yuanpei, chancellor of National University of Peking (Beida), wrote a preface. The work attracted the attention of scholars and was a catalyst for change. But Yutang was already dissatisfied with his method, and he continued throughout his life to work on improvements. These were finally incorporated in his monumental Chinese-English dictionary published when he was 77 years old.
不读书的时候,语堂就尝试设计一种更省事在汉语字典里查找汉字的方法,因为那时流行的康熙汉字系统无论对学者还是对学生都是一种负担。23岁时,他发表了 由国立北平大学校长蔡元培作序的“汉字索引系统”一书。该书吸引了许多学者的注意并成了变革的催化剂。但是语堂早已不再满足于他自己的方法,他毕生都在探寻改进。这些工作最终加入了他在77岁时出版的汉英词典中。
Yutang taught at Qinghua for three years, then qualified to study in