《My Daisy》
Going back
to the days of early summer
when you rose your head
in the field
to a stranger
his hands
shaking to touch you
telling you how far
he had traveled
to find you
Your fragrance
has nothing to do
with my dream
Your sweetness is all
I have now, even
when the roads
have abandoned me
[art: warhol]
Yosemite 发表评论于
Nice to talk with you and YY.
Have a good weekend.
LTG 发表评论于
no, no, no, i never laugh at friends who write poetry.... please don't misunderstand me....so, i didn't laugh at you!!!
when i used "hahaha....", it's because those words you used are like joking...
so, no worries!
Yosemite 发表评论于
I am simling. :D :)))
And I don't think our opinions are different from the beginning when I said “自作多情”.... :D :)))
LTG 发表评论于
"And I thought that way was free.... free my mind.... to think what I want to think....."
yes, i agree... i think you have a really good taste in arts....
Yosemite 发表评论于
For hahaha....
What do you mean?
I am thinking、 “自作多情”、“想入非非”freely to pictures and poetry. I thought they freed me, and I love them...
影云 发表评论于
Yosemite, this has nothing do with Laughing - - - just different opinions - - - more like discussing:)
LTG 发表评论于
what do you mean?
Yosemite 发表评论于
And I thought that way was free.... free my mind.... to think what I want to think.....
Yosemite 发表评论于
You are quite right. I am one of them who don't understand arts, so when I face arts, especially a picture I like, easy to “自作多情”,"想入非非"......
such concepts are for people who don't understand arts.... they can live without arts, for example, like working themselves to the end of life like one of the cogs in a huge machine....
art, i think, should first free people.... when one's mind is free, one can feel the joy of what's beautiful and what's "dutiful" ...
the business of poetry has always been a "lonely business" :)