
喜欢这个女孩子,直接,勇敢,自我,不像我这般惹人厌。I don't give shits on any one who want to ruin my life! 一语惊醒梦中人。是的,所有的在我生命中出现过的丑恶的嘴脸,见鬼去吧,不会让你们阻挡我的寻梦之旅,我就是我,我选择我的快乐,怎么能允许他们对我产生哪怕一丝一毫的影响呢。怎么以前没有想到过呢。it is no use to just sit there and complain how unfair life is, start to do something, don't like where you are now, then get out of it!!!!是的,就是这么直接,这么简单,不开心,就努力摆脱,人生苦短,没有时间不快乐。以为自己很聪明,怎么这么简单的道理都看不穿。。。。ya, sit down and get some work done, and get out of it a.s.a.p!!!!!!
