日前参加一个seminar, 有一些体会. 谁是股市长胜将军: (1) 行业看得准 (2) 大盘看得准 (3) Chart 看得准 (4) 机会抓得好 (5) 运气好 你只要有其中一技之长, 就能赚大钱. 如果你想炒股赚大钱, 问问自己, 我何长之有? If no, buy some indexes, mutual fund or some stocks for long-term. 亏大钱的人, 大多不自量力 (我曾经是). 本人专研5 年, 发现适合自己的pattern. 恰逢股市大起大落, 一年内从一万赚百万. 本人行业看得不准, 大盘看得常错, Chart 看得不好, 仍能赚大钱, why? 扬长避短. 机会抓得好 – only trade short-term options with strangle strategy. 想靠定monthly service, 短线炒股赚钱的, 不少是由于上当受骗, 95% 会失败. 假如他们预测很准, 可能不会靠service 赚钱 (象我, 哈哈). You will have much better chance to make money consistently (no matter the market goes up or down), if you trade options instead of stocks. Study different strategies. I will post some of my analysis and trading experience to share with others. 如其说我 encourage others trading option, 不如说我 discourage others trading stocks in short-term.