最佳影片:Mllion Dollar Baby ----------------------------------------------- Sideways在所有影片中,应该技高一筹,但无奈小成本喜剧片,很可能与大奖失之交臂。综合指数看来,最强当属Mllion Dollar Baby。虽然Aviator呼声特高,但其平淡乏味的情节对评委们不会有任何有益帮助。
最佳男配角:Morgan Freeman(MILLION DOLLAR BABY) ----------------------------------------------- 没别的理由,实在是太喜欢这个老头了! 从The Shawshank Redemption开始,就一直对老头刮目相看。在Mllion Dollar Baby中扮演的老拳手,表演可圈可点,4次提名的他也终该得一回奖了吧。Thomas Haden Church在Sideway中扮演的Jack一角,也相当出色,但只好委屈一下了。
4. 没看Ray, 个人喜好的问题. 在Collateral里, Jamie Foxx演的计程车司机给我留下相当深的印象. Tom Cruise反而显得死板单调.
最后, 为Finding Neverland呼吁一下, 很不错的电影. Johnny Depp,不容错过.
狐狸葫芦 发表评论于
文章来源: 马安妮 于 2005-02-27 21:21:16
Chris Rock 主持奥斯卡, 令人耳目一新。 但总体来说, 总不如老牌主持Billy Crystal 把握的游刃有余。除过开场白出彩外, 其余表现平平。 开场白中最精彩的当属评论布什再次当选, 大致如下:
It’s like you applied a job in Gap, in the end of year, you are short on registry with several trillion dollars! And, you had a war with Banana Republic because you think they are making tank-tops. After you got into Banana Republic, you are several trillion dollar short in your registry, and, you found out they never made tank-tops.
对Jude Law有些不太友善言论, 估计不大得人心。 像是前年Steve Martin 拿Russell Crow开玩笑,过火了些。这一点谁都不如Billy Crystal 老道, 总是把话说到即可乐又不失品位,恰到好处。
我想最有看头的当属主持人Chris Rock 了。 看看他嘴里能冒出些什么来。Chris Rock可数得上是当今美国最好的comedian 之一。他的精彩处是把些美国常见社会问题换个角度看,出言又很大胆, 常是political incorrect. 可他讲的许多却是事实,主流社会不想提的事。抱歉要写点英文, 中文这块费劲:Chris Rock shines when he does stand-up comedy. His famous ones on HBO like “Never scared”, “Bigger, Blacker”. It’s just outrageous but meantime totally hilarious. He got the spirit of the best comedy - it makes you laugh hard but making your heart cries.
但愿我能记着些他的 台词。Here’s example: Blacks need get wealth. I am talking about wealth! You’ll tell me there lots of blacks are rich, but I am talking about wealth! Shaq is reach, the white guy owns him has the wealth. Why blacks don’t have wealth, because you spend all the money on rims. You just love to see the rims spinning, spinning, spinning. You put gold rims on your car and watch it spinning, spinning, spinning. 当然要把他的动作和声调加进去才好笑。
好了,言归正传, 说起他的political incorrectness,这不,奥斯卡还没开张,他的大嘴已出言不逊, 说:Only women and gays watch Oscar, straight men don’t . 弄得好多人想弹轲他。