
很久都没有来打扫了.实在是愧对自己的博克.一来是因为自己懒.二来嘛是因为不太喜欢自己以前的名字.就好象一个人穿了不合适的衣服,在公众面前露脸总是很不自在.所以我换了一个自己喜欢的名字又把以前的东西搬了过来.希望从今天起我能持续而又认真地写点东西. 其实要写点东西的感受常有,只是灵感稍纵即逝.当你有时间坐下来时,却发现心情全无,只有两只大眼空洞地盯着电脑屏幕,实在是欲哭无泪. 昨天收到朋友的邮件,有篇好东东.要和大家分享(特别是所有的女性朋友). Gonna Be A Bear In this life i'm a woman.In my next life,i'd like to come back as a bear.When you are a bear,you get to hibernate.You do nothing but sleep for six months.I could deal with that. Before you hibernate,you are supposed to eat yourself stupid.I could deal with that too. When you're a girl bear,you birth your children(who are the size of walnuts)while you're sleeping and wake to partially grown,cute,cuddly cubs.I could definitely deal with that. If you're mama bear,everyone knows you mean business.You swart anyone who bothers your cubs.If your cubs get out of line,you swart them too.I could deal with that. If you're a bear,your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling.He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat. Yup,gonna be a bear! 写到这里,我的那个他看了我写的字.告诉我-我就是他的那只bear!!!
