Before Sunrise 说的是法国女孩Celine在回巴黎途中的一列火车上,遇到了背着简陋行囊漫游的美国男孩Jesse. Jesse千里迢迢去马德里会女朋友,结果弄了个分手的结局。于是买了欧洲列车旅游连票,打算用两个星期的流浪来排解郁闷的心情。Celine六个月前和男友吹了,很自然的,两颗孤独而年轻的心开始交谈。Jesse回美国的飞机是在第二天早上,对话的投机,让他们中途从维也纳下车,希望在天明之前,共渡个美丽的夜晚。
影片有很多精采的对话。Celine 说“If there's any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something.” Jesse 回:“I have never been anywhere that I haven't been. I've never had a kiss, when I wasn't one of the kissers. I've never gone to the movies when I wasn't there in the audience. I've never been out bowling if I wasn't there making some stupid joke.” 生命的快乐,岂不就是在这样不断的尝试中,浮现。
还有Celine说她很讨厌前男友,因为他找借口离开了她。可是她还是会很 obsessed 的关注他,哪怕是为了骂他一声也好。然后她说“I found that people tend to be obsessed with someone they dislike.” 我实在忍不住笑,因为想到了辛苦爬墙的。。。:DDD