Chick’s Movie / British Comedy

Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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Chick’s Movie / British Comedy / Bend It Like Beckham


有一年的 Friends’ Thanksgiving 那一集讲 Rachel 做了一个 English Truffle / Shepherd’s Pie 作为甜点.  大家都以下咽,

只有 Joey 吃的津津有味:


 Meat – good; custard – good; cream – good! What’s not to like?”


对于 Chick’s movies 的钟爱不亚于 Joey 对食物的 devotion. Seriously: laughter – good; relationship fantasy – good; fairy tale ending – good! What’s not to like?!


严格说来,Chick’s movie 应该不止是 romantic comedy。不过 romantic comedy 这个 genre 玩儿的最好的还应该算是英国人。他们民族特有的 wry sense of humor 以他们擅长的 deadpan 演绎起来比美国的 punchline sitcom 不知高明多少倍。更重要的一点,many a British comedy has a heart. They make you ponder.


Bend it like Beckham is a poster child of the kind of British comedy that has a heart. 电影说的是两个踢英式足球的姑娘:一个棕色的印度人和一个白色的英国人。Jess the Indian girl had to “conquer”a lot to pursue her football dream. 去年在杂志上读到这部电影的介绍,后来终于在 HBO 上看到。到现在,断断续续,支离破碎地看过好几遍了,每次看还是觉得很 enjoy。并且每次看到 Jess 从姐姐的婚礼上跑出来去踢那个关键的下半场时都还会 become teary-eyed.


所谓戏法人人会变,各有巧妙不同。但是任何 creative form of art 到了一定程度,分高下的不再是技巧的高低,而是 how much of yourself you put into it. Because it shows.


P.S. 早上在 radio 上听来的 tidbit. 哪个国家的人最有可能在 having sex 的时候 pick up the cellphone?


Drum rolls …


Germany tops the chart. And Italians are the least likely.



chic 发表评论于
I like that one too. it's a nice little warm movie though a bit "blah". the story is kind of predictable but all in all i thought it was quite good. LOVED most of the songs in the movie!
nymph 发表评论于
Totally agree. :)
How about another chick movie, Love Actually?
