Music From Another Room

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Music From Another Room -------- From > 前几天channel seven 放了Jude Law和 Jennifer Tilly 主演的《music from another room》, 我看了以后,非常喜欢。 《music from another room》发行于1998年,不过从人物的服饰和我推断要更老,在网上看了几个review,都不是很好。我这人有个毛病,无论看什么,先要囫囵吞枣的看一次,然后再反复的看。若是书还罢了,这是一部电影,况且我虽然很喜欢,但是也不至于买回来收藏。于是乎,读了很多影评后,再仔细想想确实不怎么着,我想既然如此,那我也不必详细的写了,况且我又是这样懒的人 ,呵呵,然而有两个地方我很喜欢,我想一部作品只要能够感动人,那么就是好的,其他的暂且不谈。 这一处是我所喜欢的。 When asked about love... “What’s it like? All right... you know how when you’re listening to music playing from another room and you’re singing along because it’s a tune that you really love, when a door closes or a train passes so you can't hear the music anymore, but you sing along anyway. Then, no matter how much time passes, when you hear the music again, you’re still in exact same time with it. That's what it’s like.” - “Danny” from “Music from Another Room” 关于爱情,关于相思,还需要我说更多的吗? 另一处是这里,Anne的妈妈快要死的时候,对他的丈夫(此人从来不相信爱)说:“you love me, you know you love me, it’s not about what you said, it’s about what you do.” 看到这里,我的眼泪终于来了。 也许,要到临死之前,我们才能真正知道爱情。  也许, 也许。。。 。。。 

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