Catherine the Great

Posted by Lucy Miao I like history epics. So I picked up this movie. Anther reason is that Catherine Zeta-Jones is in. She is simply fabulous. I can understand why Michael Douglas married her. Her perfect figure and her melting smile will just kill every man. It is about this great woman Catherine II in Russian. How she gained the power and sworn into the throne. How she use her woman's technique to conquer those generals. She led Russian from medieval time to modern time. She rules the All Russian and rules it all alone. Her personal life is arguable just like Chinese Empress -Wu Zhe Tian. She is a legend and mystery forever. Numerous story and films are be based on her. Female, power, love, and lust forever intrigue artists and writers. Some movie is to entertain, some to open a new world, and this to educate and broaden one's knowledge. It is a movie worth watching.
