暧昧女人 3

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其实她都不算什么女人,我第一次剥光她在月光下亲吻她哪个还没有我的大的乳头的时候,她才17. 离成人还有两个月



她去的城市是GOLD COAST,我在的城市是SYDNEY,2004年的冬季.来SYD旅游

我去机场接她的时候,当她看到一个长发的男人,一身黑,墨镜下的嘴咬着棒棒糖,银白色的跑车在阳光下面刺的她睁不开眼.当我疯狂行使在大桥上,一指那个已经泛黄的建筑物:"看!那鸡吧玩意就是你妈B OPEAR FUCKIN' HOUSE"




一个女孩来SYD,一个女人回GOLD COAST










    "哥哥,月底我和朋友去SYD" 听到是H,竟然心底还真有一种是自己妹妹的感觉






     "你又想'嫂子'了?"她穿着QUEEN的睡衣,让我瞬间有了错觉. 她知道我和QUEEN的事情,她说她其实很嫉妒QUEEN

     "要移民? 小心别被骗了"


dora4yt 发表评论于
我真的不是流氓 exercises his freedom of speech. We thereby have some entertainment. If 我真的不是流氓 wishes to become a Director the his future, he is giving his view of life in this colorful world.... at least he is being honest about the himself and this world he is living in. I wish him the best.
appler 发表评论于
双鱼座B型血 发表评论于
我真的不是流氓 发表评论于
when everything's made to be broken, i just want somebody to know who i am
我真的不是流氓 发表评论于

我真的不是流氓 发表评论于



小浅滩子 发表评论于
I see. Talking to a hard-core fan here. :-)
liming 发表评论于
do you know everyone is weak in this world,does matter how strong he looked like,tell you secret everymen is weak inside,so maybe sometime he will cry to you and let you to find her dear mama
小浅滩子 发表评论于
Thank you, buddy. I am not that young though. hehe. I think you are addicted to his honesty, and that is all. It is amazing in our/Chinese world, honesty can be seriously worshipped to this extend, which only means he is lucky and you are thirsty of honesty and it is good. Well, no offense at all. I believe he can never be a hero simply because he showed some sense of honesty to himself and his wrong doings. Honestly, I think he is weak. He could be stronger along the way which is my warm-hearted hope and anyway he is still a child and he has time.
liming 发表评论于
return,your name is like very young girl,when you got older,you suddenly maybe found your nice teacher ,your hero is realy LIUMENG,,human being is so complacated
you never knew who is Liu meng or not,maybe one day when you enjoy your lunch,your phone is ringing,your husband is at police station and waiting for you pay money to get out there, your best friend ,lover-your hunsband is in jail because assult the young girl,maybe he is nice to you and also work hard
maybe he is good father too,you never thought you will get the caLLED LIKE THIS,THEN what ?it is life ,it is human,you will never know who is liu meng,maybe you are too young to understand this,sorry for that ,best wishes for you,not bad luck like that,just want you can understand true gray wolf besideyou ,and maybe you thought he is your herio-your "ao xiang" watch out my younger sister,just advice,let you know liu meng will never said he is liu meng,by the way,liu meng maybe change to nice ranitic men already,our stupid guys still wait here "wang huan qu shui",think about,now every where have the conputer,why he can not write the article,maybe he already change his color,and cloth,"xi xiao nu ma"in country side with beutify fresh girl ,who knews,please came back and don't play so hard,image you I thought you will be not look ed like very strong person as you thought yourself so take care your self,hope you are back soon,good luck
小浅滩子 发表评论于
你的东西,看的不多,一点点。除了一点还算诚实。但是关于成功?先承认你自己是软弱的叭。心灵崇高的流氓就不是流氓吗? 笑话。别给自己找理由就好了。
liming 发表评论于
let you so smart person become SB,it is realy my fault,explan it later,with you together speak loudly,but you become "qian xu",I belive in you will better than "yi mao",but actuarly I didn't perty more than "zi yi"but I thought I am more smart than her and more have "qi zhi",anyway doesn't matter what I looked like,you chose me will be right for any "jiao se",because we are friend right?If I am petty like "zhi Yi","yi mao"will chose me first,you didn't have the turn for chosing a realy star like me to work for you right?wa!"gu ko pe xin"
a !why you thought I am not interesting in that,for art,"ju xi shen yi ba"
hope my future hansband not divorce with me,but who care,if died for freedom,everything can give up,wa!
我真的不是流氓 发表评论于

我真的不是流氓 发表评论于


其次,我确实很佩服张意谋,不管是从艺术角度还是商业运做.我现在什么都不是,我还差的许许多多.但是,ZHANG ZIYI 确实是个SB

最后,我想我将来拍的东西,定级一定是在 R18+的,不是超级暴力就是无比色情, 你有兴趣么?


liming 发表评论于
I am so happy you return me so fast,I hate nobody to answer me,like you speeking with the air,I belive you are my friend now,but I still felt I "pa "you,something like "shake head pill" and you even inject "du pin"to your friend,my god I shocked ,it is aginst the law,sorry,maybe you want to kick out me again,please don't,just because I thought you are my friend so I care about you,if you go to the jail,who will write the article like you,i WILL FEEL LONELY again,actualy,I already looked like I love one person beside me,yes,I thought I love him,he support me to go through the most difficult time in my life,no one like him treat me so well and so important in my life,but i don,t know why I still can not forget my first love,even Ididn't see him for 8 years .and he can know is me just only one "hellow"maybe it s "gu hui"level's love.we can never forget each other,acutally we never have the sex with each other,we just friend,very very good friend,I hope he can happy and he only hope I can happy too,now I confused too,i don't know we are just friend or not,ok forgot it,about your case "fen xi" your first love I thought it is "queen",because HB never love you ,maybe she like you but not love you,love never need to wait,you didn't understand,because you are too young or "tai sha",or you didn't have the friend like me,I am the "love teacher" and you are the "sex teacher"ok,If you want tell about that men's secreaty,go ahead,I treat it like "ke pu "education,I will learn and severe for whom I love,cougradulation you want to become "dao yan" and I have another dream to become a atress,but never come ture,I hope you can become "dao Yan"
and can sucess,then please let me for one "jiao se",If not enough for number one "nu zhu jiao"'s beatuful,i can be number two I thought I have that telent,i am the "star" for every party and every person ,never mind kids or old lady or old men or yuongster,I think we will be much better than "zhang yi mo"or "zhang zi yi" they all look like come from countryside,"zhang yi mo"have a "ku gua face"and when he laught like a little bit "ruo zhi"just kiding,sorry,I should n't say that,it is not nice,and "zhang zi yi" zhen ge yi
ge wu zhi,hei qi chong nu du,ao si ka shang one sentence,let me the leg soft for her,Lao wai treat her like chinese star,It is totaly "xiao kan "our chinese."zhang zi yi " zhen ge yi ge mei wen hua,pin zhe a face relly look alittle bit like "zhi yi mo" and luck,ji ran chang chu Asia and zao xian the world,It is totaly not fair,like you and me ,it is so talent person,ji ren close the door,"du zi bei ai",ok, from today you go to for "dirctor" I go to class for atress,our dream must come true,just becausee let "lao Wei"know what it is chian,Right?rember from today ,I am realy "yan su"for that."jia bei nu li "!!!just don't forget me ,when you have "mei nu ru yun",I am your first
supporter and belive in you,it is realy important,right?btw,do you wear the "Cando",when you make love?I do not want you "yin nian zhou shi" yao!
by the way,forget the HB,let me think about pencil,ha ha ha,she never love you and go to find queen before she get marry,I f you love her ,teel her,she will come back,hope you two "yuan men cheng wen" and from now "lang zi hui tao" zhuan xin for going to dirctor,and My dream"zhi ri ke dai"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
irrigator 发表评论于
liming mm,流氓好像很少给别人回复这么长的留言呢!
我真的不是流氓 发表评论于

TIME CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING, 我曾经以为我不会从那个女生(HB)的阴影里走出来了,如歌里唱的"难过的事,当我遇上别的女子,我只在乎,她身上有你的影子".





liming 发表评论于
wo,finily you had new article,I like it very much,I saw the massage you answer me,you didn't answer me Queen is your first love ? or not,don't mad at me,you know why i like your article?because you are outside like "liu mang"but inside you are a good guy.I like the person like you,can died for friends and can never foeget the lover you have loved before,I hope i can luck like Queen
but I don't know,acually i am "lovely" girl too,but does matter how many person they like you,you just care one person he can love you and never forget you,I hope he can never forget me too,but I am not sure,he said he love me forever and miss me ,but I can feel that sound not look like from inside,like before when we just knew each other,Does the time can let peopel forget theri first love or not? can you answer me this qustion? sorry I am so borther you,I don't know I like your article so much I think because you never forget Queen,"I love you " just kiding,actually I love everyboy.when I was kid I want become writer but I never let this dream come ture,maybe in future,but maybe you will become fanous in furture ,don't forget I am your supporter when you are not famous,I am in Cnada,where are you? us?"ao da li ya"? retur me soon thanks
irrigator 发表评论于
今天心情超级差,做什么都不成功,所以跑来你这里又看了一遍。 :((
anyway, wish u happy today ,tomorrow the day after tomorrowwwwwwwwwww~
irrigator 发表评论于
今天来看,终于更新了。 我喜欢你别踢下床那点,哈哈哈~
我真的不是流氓 发表评论于