"Wuthering Height" My car was loaded Fingers crossed On a sunny day I tried to escape A burdened heart Nearly stalled by a familiar crowd No reason was needed After all bridges burnt On a sunny day I tried to run Toward where you have waited Having roamed along the circle Of preexisting fate I came back home only to see Your face buried, happily wept The black silk could not cover Your secret so patiently kept Years of longing Years of weight There was nothing left to be said Between two hearts So enigmatically connected I kissed off your tears And showed you the box-set Of Wuthering Height You asked me to find during the endless night On a sunny day I wanted to hold you tight The lost years I could never forget No matter how much we have changed How high we have climbed There is always a place in my heart Privately reserved and sacredly kept In case you grow lonely and tired Indigo satin on rose bed I want to look right into your eyes Recite the lines from the book You have written on such daring height :5/19/05 插图: 佚名[德]