这首歌,从你2002年7月31号离开纽约之后,我就再也没听过. 这首歌,是我们相遇时候的歌. 虽然我是跳舞的,但我从来不会跳交谊舞, 你就这样, 在这个曲里,你缓缓抱着我,要我的脚跟着你动,要我的身体跟着你动,你说"Trust me", 我就真的用了一辈子相信了你... 这首歌, 是我们分别时候的歌. 那晚的舞厅仿佛是为我们挑选的音乐, 我们在狂劲的DISCO乐中争吵, 我要夺路而走,你伸出巨臂把我全身圈住,把我定在舞池的栏杆上, 你说"Never leave me like this"...这首歌就这样流了出来, 你抱着我,就这样,我们定定在站在舞池当中,互相不敢彼此的眼睛... 这首歌, 是我们重逢时候的歌. 坐在曼哈顿豪华的餐厅里, 我们无语. 背景轻轻滑出这首歌,你跟着轻声地哼, 你对上前来帮我们换盘子的侍者说"This is our song"... 你的左手腕系着一根红绳, 我的左手腕系着一根红绳... 这首歌, 你走了以后,我今天第一次听, 趁着没人打搅,我要放肆地想想你, 想想我们的过去, 想想你的坚强和脆弱, 想想你说话的ACCENT... 如今,你原不原谅我, 我已经无所谓了...真的无所谓了... no i can't forget this evening and your face when you were leaving but i guess that's just the way the story goes you always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows, yes, it shows no, i can't forget tomorrow when i think about my sorrow i had you there, then i let you go and now it only fair that i should let you know what you should know i can't live if living is without you i can't give i can't give anymore i can't live if living is without you i can't give i can't give anymore