A blogger's life

徘徊于理性与现实的旷野里, 生存于东方与西方的交界面。
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The life of a typical blogger is often filled with periods of relative inactivity followed by some predicted and unforeseeable rushes.

Before a child reaches his school age, he almost has time to burn. Next he goes to primary school, where making new friends and doing daily homework occupy much of his time. However, he has much to look for during winter and summer holidays.

Then he gets to the next level of schooling, where parent's expectations and intense competition between fellow students together with pressure to perform well in the forthcoming university entrance exams will deprive much of his fun in and enjoyment of holidays. In fact, a holiday will be just another working day in disguise.

After much struggle, he may squeeze into a university. During the first couple of years, he can certainly afford to relax a little. But this relative tranquility will not last, as he soon realizes that graduation is rapidly approaching. He has much to catch up with his courses, and also has to make his mind where he wants to head for after graduation. He will have some hectic periods, which may barely prepare him for his final dash across the line.

If he has some luck, he may complete his undergraduate education and find a job of some sort. Surely, he deserves to take a breath for a year or two. However, it will not be long before he notices that his peers are ruthlessly overtaking him. So he has no alternative, but to roll his sleeves and put his mind to work.

Time flies quickly, and when he gets himself somewhat established in his profession, he finds out that it is almost time for him to retire. So he tries to do as much as he can in the last years of working life, and then heads for retirement, where the pressure to always be his best evaporates.

Such is life. Some people always worry about how to complete the process while others try to enjoy as much as they can before getting there.

Tigerbalm 发表评论于
Yes, you definitely made yourself very clear here. We have also travelled many places around the USA, and hardly seen Chinese families touring either (with exception of Disney World in Orlando, FL). Many Chinese are very practical. There is one guy we knew who drove the whole family to Niagra Falls. They saw the falls in their car for about 15 mins, and drove back, as they believed it was just water. Then they could tell others that they have been to the Niagra Falls.
红小兵 发表评论于
there is a joke my friend once told. One Chinese met one Mexican on the beach. The Chinese guy asked what the Mexican do for living. The Mexican said he cleans up the office building. He also comments the Chinese guy must be an engineer. So proud of himself, the Chinese guy said yes and asks why didn’t the Mexican guy go to school to learn more and change to a better job. The Mexican was puzzled, “Why change to a better job?” The Chinese guys said “then you make more money”. The Mexican said “What do I do with more money?” The Chinese guy said “if you have more money you live in a bigger house and you come to beach to enjoy life when you are on vacation”. The Mexican said “but I already live in a government assistant house and I come here enjoy every weekend”.
Every time I go to beach I see many Mexican families I remember this joke. Hardly see any Chinese family on the beach. Parents are home do their yard work and kids are in the house doing math and piano.

I hope I made myself clear. I hardly read/write English except at work.