I have always wanted to thank ALL friends I met on here, especially those who have paid attention to my poems and given me much support and good criticism, advices!
Lately, I have read some really intelligent and professional (forgive me for using such a word:) reviews of my poems by YingYun and ZhiFan. My first reaction to their readings/reviews were pure mutual understanding and artistic support. It is rare to find serious, like-minded people online who are truly lovers of the art of words.
Thier attitudes toward poetry, art, spirituality or life in large are of mature and intelligent, to say the least. I feel very grateful to be read and critiqued by friends like them.They make the time I spend on here worthwhile. I have also learned from friends like them. So, the experience of blogging has been fun for me :)
Publishing poems in blogs is a better, faster way of sharing poetry than going thru the slow process of conventional publishing route. The immediate reaction and feedback from readers/friends are far more valuable and exciting than waiting for months or years to see one's works printed in paper by some picky publishers. I have done that in the past, and it took a lot of patience and self-confident to mail one's own work off to some strangers who will decide whether my poems were "good" or "not so good."
Blogging is surely a new thing, for its literary values. To meet like-minded friends is also meaningful than spreading senseless words or wasting one's life reading senseless words. I have said before that I do not care how many people read/understand my poems. But, I do value the precious few who responde to my writings with their equal intelligence and humanness.
Thank you, my friends!!
Here's a paragraph I picked out of ZF's lastest review. I thought it's interesting for us to think about. As far as I'm concerned, this little story tells me that our human expections are always lured by something "better." We life for the "betterness" of life. We keep searching better this and better that. As the story goes, Plato ends up empty-handed. He missed so many "good ones!"
The moral of the story tells me that it is human to have expectations, but we need to pay equal attention to what's under our very noses.
IT is here!
IT is now!
IT is in you!
from ZF's article:
我还记得柏拉图的老师告诉柏拉图什么是爱情的故事:有一天,柏拉图问他的老师什么是爱情,他的老师就叫他到麦田去,摘一棵全麦田里最大最金黄的麦穗,期间只能摘一次,并且只可以向前走,不能回头。柏拉图于是照着老师的话去做了。结果,他因为想着还会有更大更金黄的麦穗在后面,而错过了那麦田里本来最大最金黄的麦穗,两手空空而回…… 而我从来都没有想过要全麦田里最大最金黄的麦穗,只想要一棵自己觉得顺眼,心跳得厉害,当看到他时,我的灵魂会与我的身体同在,那一棵哪怕看起来是又瘦又小的小麦穗对我来说也会是全麦田最大最金黄的麦穗,然而也是两手空空,没有亲眼见到过“爱情”。
LTG 发表评论于
AB & 水滴,
AAAB 发表评论于
TO by水滴:
我无条件地爱你们,是有输入的。怎么说呢?我的爱仿佛在潜水,我想寻找到能喂养我灵魂的主要食品(对我来说那是知识和爱情:)。我的爱仿佛在逛一个巨大的SHOPPING MALL,要为我的灵魂挑选几件漂亮的衣衫和寻找一些食物,而买灵魂的衣衫和食品不需要钱,需要爱和欣赏的眼光,于是我遇到你和影云,我从你们身上选来一件蓝衫,一件红衫;而蓝衫是从水滴处获得,红衫却是从影云处获得……同时,其他我欣赏到的女性品质也是我灵魂的食品……食物归食物,还需消化,还依赖适不适合我灵魂的胃......听起来很玄是不是?“玄之又玄,众秒之门。”(“道德经”):))
Unconditional love!
To be able to love is Happiness!
The ability to love!
水滴,女人的心事女人更懂!!我喜欢作舟的诗歌,和喜欢在双壁轩参与讨论,是因为这里谈人性,谈爱,谈性,谈精神,谈生活,而作舟以自己的生命体验和心灵体验写诗歌,目的是MAKE THIS LIFE WORTH LIVING.
task, for the advanced or expanding mind is to expand to a level at which questions that cannot be answered from within the accepted understanding of truth can be answered.
i agree with ltg's words that "
the word 'love' is such a loaded word, culturally and metaphorically, that it has become a cliché ... "
i prefer saying I love you, instead of questioning all the time, what is love :) - - - tiring .... okie, shutup,y.y.
影云 发表评论于
The only thing i can say is that a person will be disappointed if he or she treats Love, especially the one between a man and a woman, as the ultimate goal of life . . .
No one waits there for the other, but our paths cross . . . that's the beauty of love . . . accidental
Wuthering Heights once was my favorite books before 18 years old, not now - - - which only reveals one face of love for sure . . . okay, for this topic, i'd like to shut up now because i don't like jumping into a conclusion without experiecing it fully - - - Love, a life long "business' :)
btw, i found a bug in your yesterday's statement, that a person making a suicide is souless. Cannot agree. Hemingway, Van Gogh, Sylvia Plath . . . too many great people did that, which reminded me of the "Limits". A simple example is a pig can live happily, just eating, sleeping - - - there are many two-legged pigs too :)
YY, don't jump for him:) You know, sometimes I could be somewhat naughty (or nasty) to poke at someone I actually appreciate very much...:)) Guess I am still a little girl inside....:)))
LTG 发表评论于
i know what you are saying, and i am not just talking about "rc".... you are becoming one of those picky publishers...hahaha.....
it is very easy to get confused and ambiguous on here.....luckily, all friends who visit my blog are all so open-minded, and with a good sense of humor....
never tired of "explaining" myself to all of you :)
Pza was a very humble human being....all good poets are, otherwise they won't be writing poetry, right?
hope you translate more of his stuff....
影云 发表评论于
Paz won Nobel Prize which can “measure” him as a giant in literature. Does it mean he only talks to people who are qualified to Nobel Prize? :)
by水滴 发表评论于
I am not talking about rc...Please don't take me wrong....huh.
LTG 发表评论于
rc [sorry can't type chinese],
i didn't say who is not "equal" :)
sorry for the word choice....i should have used another word....
no, what i mean is that all friends here, surely including "redcloak," have much to share and to learn from....
actually, you seem to have much more knowledge than me.....hope you share more with us :)
by水滴 发表评论于
Want to know LTG's opinion...:))))
影云 发表评论于
rc, depending on what they are talking about.
影云 发表评论于
indeed love is very very very simple
but complicated by people
only enjoyed by those "simple-minded"
that's the trick of love!!!
love your writing :)
by水滴 发表评论于
DO you care about the opinion of someone who doesn't have equal intelligence, maturity and professional levels as you???
LTG 发表评论于
thank you, y.y.!
love the beautiful quote from Anais!!
and thank you for ignoring my typo/mispellings :)
yes, Love can be big and small....
Love is water.....we can swim in the vast ocean and still wish it's bigger, and a cup of water can also save a life....
so, quantity and quality are also relative.....my opinion :)
影云 发表评论于
oooops, i found a bug of wenxuecity :) last reply is mine:)
影云 发表评论于
True, “最大最金黄的麦穗” is tempting us for “betterness”; on the other hand, I would say, most of time people don’t know what defines “It” as the best. If we measure “It”, then we lose it
ltg, thank you for sharing us with your poems here!!!! it's a "Free" entrance to freedom!!!