
生命中, 最爱那种壮美. ..大漠孤烟直, 长河落日圆. 也爱在烟雨红尘中, 看 落霞与孤鹜齐飞, 秋水共长天一色...
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总算又是一个大喘气过去乐. 好像就是一个个的大坡子在爬喘口气, 再来一个. 不过人生的意义也就再与此乐. 还有就是保持自我..hehe..self-confidence, and not change with the surroundings for one's own selfish good. the purpose of life is to live a decent a life, without hurting others...hard a...hehe...just dispose of the bad memories and keep on fighting against the fate...
