field trip

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今天终于发现自己一个优点: 如果第二天有事要早起,自己就像上了发条的闹钟:准时起床.. 6:00 起床,6:30 出发.. 一路上说说笑笑,转眼间就到了, 记得最清楚的一件趣事就是: TOMMY 说他 FATHER IN LAW was a CIA.. anywhy, we eventrally came to a local restraunt for our lunch. the waitress served me a huge sandwage. that is too much for me.. ............ three millionaires talked about their successful stories about real estatement development. ....... I could be one of them in the future? who knows! BTW, one of these three millionaires has a fancy house.. 啧啧.. ON THE WAY BACK, WE VISITED A AMEICAN FRIAND'S HOUSE, HIS WIFE IS SO NICE, SHE LENT ME BOOKS. ...... SHE IS A LAWER. I WILL REMEMBER HER NAME: CARIN
