The benefits of writing

徘徊于理性与现实的旷野里, 生存于东方与西方的交界面。
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For professional authors or students, writing is a fact of life. The need to fulfill their commitments or to complete required assignments makes writing a part of their daily routines. But for many of us, who engage in other types of activities, writing does not usually form an integral element of our duties. So why do so many of us write anyway? What are the benefits of writing?

First of all, writing is a more precise, and better way to express our ideas than any other forms of communication. Ocassionally, we develop some ideas that are embroided in a mixture of random thoughts. By putting our ideas in writing, it helps us clear our minds, and rid off certain non-essential components, making our ideas more logic, more reasonable and more convincing.

Secondly, ideas come and go like flying arrows and running water. And ideas that are not recorded in writing can easily get lost not matter how brilliant they initially appear. By putting our ideas down frequently in writing, it helps us perserve these ideas, providing opportunity for their future refinement. This is similar to regularly deposit our savings in a bank, in the end you will not only retrieve your money in a much larger quantity, but also receive due interests.

Thirdly, idea-sharing is vital for the progression of human society, without which the advancement of our knowledge is impossible. Therefore, if you can record your ideas in writing, you will help others learn from your experience. Similarly, you can also broaden your sphere of knowledge by reading the writings of others. 

The benefits of writing are thus obvious and abundant. So let not leave our good ideas evaporate without being reacorded. And let us get our pens and writing pads out, and make writing part of our idea-sharing and learning experience. 

红小兵 发表评论于
in the process of wrinting. very very slow and not enough time.