
To my self

Every single morning, I feel the power form the air

the sun, the sky... ...

Every single night, I feel the speed of the time

like wind, dispearing without sound... ...

I used to lose my way

the road in my heart was becoming blur

one day, occationally,

a nice butterfly come to my life

the voice from the bottom of my heart

clearly tell me, without hesitating

she is the other half will fly with you for a whole life...

The time still fly, still busy, still stressful

but its taste has already changed, because......

I smile when she smile,

I am sad when she is,

I forget troubles when talking with her,

her name is not only a name

it has become one part of my heart......

发表评论: http://spaces.msn.com/members/lmlove/Blog/cns!1pCLb-Kkg_Ax2Ia67P1m3GgQ!178.entry 

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