
唱歌唱戏, 打球比武, 都沾点边, 只是一事无成. 多年在美国, 早已笔涩.
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Before the rain,

the flowers were fading,

the grass yellow,

the earth cracked open,

Expecting rain.

You suddenly came,

with lighting and thunder,

showering flowers red

and grass green.

Could you stay

to carry on the

turn of the seasons?

Would you be in the brisk fall

to turn all leaves yellow and gold

and return them to my bosom?

Would you be there in a cold winter

to blank me with snow?

And would you be in the spring drizzle

for new life to sprout in me?

I knew you would,

like what the sky

did to the earth

and the earth to the sky,

separated, but together

becoming one forever.






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