Angelina has been voted by 15 million people worldwide as the sexiest woman. The poll, organised by FHM magazine, saw her beat off competition from Paris Hilton, Teri Hatcher and Halle Berry. Here Angelina looks her typical stunning self.

Even in a dodgy animal print coat, she still manages to look stylish.

You never really want to walk up the red carpet behind Angelina... she always looks top-notch.

Perfectly posed...

Here she gives the boys a little something to smile about.

Imagine this suited lady walking into your office.

Those legs should be illegal, frankly.

Simple jeans and black jacket - and still she doesn't look dull.

Apparently there are no pimples.

Even the garish background doesn't detract from Angelina's glamour.

Snazzy handbag.

Even when she doesn't have plenty of slap on, she looks gorgeous.

Not many people can carry off cream silk.

Whatever style, Angelina's got the look spot-on.

Do you enjoy this sexy woman?