Hair colors

The other day, one of my coworkers brought his daughter of 6 years old to work. This little girl has been blonde since her birth. Unlike her father who has black hair because of his Italian root and her mother who has brown hair that was once flaxen when she was much younger, the girl has bleaching light hair. She announced to everyone in the room that she just had a haircut prior to coming to the office. I teased her, “You can cut your hair short, but are not allowed to change the color.”


I have heard many times that the hair color of Caucasians would turn to darker when they become older. One of my female coworkers originally came from Minnesota where white people tend to have light complexion and hair (according to her). She is blonde, even now, only not as light as it used to be (also according to her). She has it highlighted (not dyed) twice a year to make it lighter. I have also heard that even the colors of their eyes would change.


