斯匹尔伯格在A.I.中最后30分钟画蛇添足强加外星人一笔让我很是失望。可是作为一个长年忠实的科幻影迷、一个对地球人前途充满忧虑的悲观主义者,我还是禁不住‘外星人’的诱惑,去观看了这部宣传巨大、但评论不佳的“世界大战”(War of Worlds).
这是斯匹尔伯格第三部关于外星人的电影,截然不同于E.T.里小孩和迷失外星人的美好友谊,第三类接触(Close Encounters of the Third Kind)中最终释放被绑架者的外星人的友善,这一部,外星来客(也许来自火星?)彻底撕下温和面纱,完全打碎所有人类梦想,它们不是来侦查,它们不是来交流,它们不是来做朋友,它们的目的只有一个:“干掉所有的地球人,全面移居这个蓝色星球”,plain and simple!
when the intelligence developed to certain level, the intelligence start to fight with each other. They develop powerful weapons. Most civilizations were distoried by the intelligence themself. Only the intenlligence with great compassion can pass this stage and achieve higher level of civilization. If the poeple on Mars want to occupy the earth 6000 years ago and they had the technology to immigrate to earch at that time, they should alreay have moved to the earth.
I think the civilization on the earth might be distoried by human being in next 5000 years. Human beings got enough killing power, but do not get enough compassion yet.
之前的广播剧《war of the worlds》,运用新闻报导的形式,说外星人在牛泽西降落,入侵地球。很多听众误以为真,引起大恐慌,居民争先恐后出逃,想当年可能情形就象新电影中集体大逃亡的场景,造成交通大堵塞,很好笑的。拜的味,後來的《aviator》,《Tucker》,等名人傳記,都是從《大國民》來的。
狐狸葫芦 发表评论于
文章来源: 夜林 于 2005-07-13 09:02:34
电影中有一段,似乎在说那些机器人不是事先埋好,而是在闪电中被“注射”到地下的。Tom Cruise 在飞机坠毁现场碰到一群电视台的人,其中一个在采访车里给 Tom 放了闪电击到地面的慢镜头,可以模糊看到一团亮晶晶的液体随闪电钻到了地下。