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“博茂牌”天然海蜇,是选用特级优质海蜇,经传统与现代科学方法精制而成。 本产品含有丰富的人体必需的氨基酸,碘,钙,铁等多种微量元素,是一种高蛋白,低脂肪,低胆固醇的海洋食品。对阴虚火旺,烦躁失眠,高血压,肺热等有清热解毒的作用。本产品味道鲜美,口感爽脆,诚为老少皆宜之健康食品。

The Bomao natural jellyfish is precisely made with a traditional and modern scientific ????ula and advanced technique. It is a kind of seafood of highprotein, low-fat and low choesterol, containing rich trace elements-amino acid,iodine, calcium,iron etc neccessary to human beings, with a good effect of relieving from trouble of fidgeting, sleepless, high-blood and lung problems. It has the unique refreshing and crisp, and tender natural tastes of itself. It is a tasty and nourshing food to mate, female, old and young.



