Great America

两个宝宝 开心快乐 大宝在上Preschool
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We had a busy memorial day weekend. Saturday, we started with shopping in the Great Mall. We ended up not buying anything, except a whine-the-Pooh balloon for the older one. We went back home, had a good nap, and then visited a friend's house. Lots of old classmates gathered together. We had pizza, juice, water-melon, and surprisingly, an early-birthday cake. Two boys and three girls were playing together, and little bit fight :-). But I can see they surely had a good time. On the way home, we stopped by the bookstore. The older one found several books interesting. Later she also found a railroad toy, with several Thomas the trains. She played there and refused to go home, until the store closed. Sunday, we brought both kids to Great America. The season just started, therefore people waited in a long line for their seasonal pass. We took a ride at carouse (?), a sky-rider(?), and had fun with the older one to ride a boat in the stream. The older one like the last one so much that we played it three rounds! I felt it was still pretty early but it was almost 5pm. Then we got home. After dinner we went shopping at Walmart and Albertsons. When we got home, the younger one were crying loudly because she was alone in the bed. The older just wet the bed and Grandma were busy cleaning.. What a mess :-) Monday the memorial day, I didn't do anything except a little big house cleaning. I stayed home with the younger one when they all went out shopping. I also took some video shot for the older one mainly. Wait to see when I can find time to convert them into a VCD. @May 30, 2005
