Reality and Arts

I still remember her. I met her while having my lunch at the station yesterday. She sat in front of one of the tables like a statue, focusing her minds to a remote place that I still wonder about but have no idea of. She dressed simple in black, wearing a white hat that reminded me of those women in the cotton field under the sun in the old times. She was not a person belonged to this city, or even this time! She was still aware of the surroundings because she was hungry. But there was no food around. However, it was amazing I felt her an energetic young woman with dignity. It must have been a long hard trip for her. All this time, I was thinking of moving to her table and ask her, hey, what brings you to town? I was thinking of going to MacDonald's and buy something to eat or drink for her, that would be my pleasure, because I still had a few bucks in my pocket and I felt like her. But before I could brave myself up to talk to her. She noticed me, which made her chucked a little bit and maybe a little awkward to continue to stay there.She stood up and brought her small luggage and left. It seemed she had a destined place to go, as determined a person she is.

She had that face that would make a picture a piece of Art, however her reality was not any near to arts. She must have a lot of tough things to deal with. All I wish for her now is not to give it up, find her place soon, take a shower, have a good meal and a good rest and then a beautiful day. And I feel that there are better ways to draw realty nearer to arts, there must be and have to be and that is where hope lies.
