Why keyword "asbestos" paid hi

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Why asbestos get paid high?

The rare, asbestos-related cancer is the king of search advertising, a Web phenomenon in which companies bid to get their ads placed high on the search-result pages of sites like Yahoo and Google and then pay when users click on them. While most search ads cost less than a dollar a click, personal-injury law firms looking to land new clients have bid up mesothelioma ads to $90 or more.

Lawyers are so eager to attract mesothelioma cases because there is a clear link between it and asbestos exposure. Lawyers say a typical award in a mesothelioma settlement is $1 million, and attorneys get 40%. For cases that go to trial, the mean award in 2001 was $6 million, triple the amount two years earlier, according to a study by think tank Rand Corp. Over roughly two decades of asbestos litigation through 2002, Rand says, mesothelioma cases represented about 4% of asbestos-related cases but 20% of all cash paid out in asbestos-related claims.

So, high profit for asbestos lawsuit is the real motivation of the high payment.

