As I Sit Late at Night, My Mind Drifts (图)

As I Sit Late at Night, My Mind Drifts to the Techno Music on Radio ...finally into oblivion like a cheap high ...waves of electrons adventitiously puffing outta my mouth my nose... my shadow revisits the past as i contemplate the words the Word! ---You have mixed into breathing laughing into a wet so wet a kiss ... what's music but the rhythm of blood pumping heart's pulsing? what's there beyond this dream? ... sleep well, love don't let the nocturnal thief steal your heart don't let the dream interrupt your sweet singing your unbounded being is melting my night into a peaceful stream of songs ... ::z.z. summer '05 art by A. G. 深夜,思绪随著收音机中的高科技音乐飘浮 。。。终於 沉入遗忘 如轻易的 高潮。。。电子 的微波 偶然 从我嘴里 鼻中 漾开。。。 我的影 重返往事 当我沉思著 这群字 这一个字! - - - 你 已汇入呼吸 欢笑 化为一个湿漉漉的 那样湿漉漉的 一个吻 。。。 心跳血腾的节奏 会是什么音乐? 梦之外 又会有什么? 。。。 安睡吧,我的爱 不要让夜的忧伤 偷走你的心 不要让梦 惊飞你甜蜜的 歌声 你无尽的存在 已融入我的夜 融入歌声 静淌的 溪 流 。 。 影云译 LTG: 影云, like this version very much!! thanx!!! cheers!!