
题记:姐姐把自己随手画的几幅猫的画,花了几个晚上,编成了一些个故事,到世界各地,去看朋友,暂分五部分:(1)小出身;(2)去夏威夷;(3)去英国;(4) 去澳大利亚;(5)去中国。语法尤其是在动词时态方面,有一些错误,稍微的给改了改,语言、配图和故事情节,都保持了原貌。



The Big Stormy Week With Cranky(1)


It’s a stormy day. Said Cranky the cat.
I have been bitten by dogs for lots of weeks.

He even put three banana peels on the ground.

Cranky is a silly cat but the storm went so hard

Cranky dug a hole in the stinky garbage can. And lay in there.

This will protect me said Cranky.

He saw that it wouldn’t protect him now.

Because there were water drops coming throw.

But he knew that if he stayed there,

He will not be bitten up by the hound dogs.

The next day the garbage truck came to get the garbage can.

The three banana peels were on the ground.

One of the garbage mans stepped on the banana peel!

Split, sprat!
The other man put the garbage in the garbage truck.

But Cranky was asleep in the garbage!

The truck went west to the garbage yard.

The storm got harder and even harder.

But Cranky the cat wook up when the storm got harder

Then the storm got a little softer and softer.

Where am I he said? If I’m in the garbage can and why it is so dark outside?

Then he saw lots of garbage!

I’m in a garbage trunk he said.

When they took the next garbage can,

They found Cranky in the garbage truck.

Then they sent Cranky to a little girl, named Sally.
