Childhood - two teachers

Mrs. Sheng and Mrs. Ye had been two night shift teachers for all those years while I was in the childcare. They both were nice with different characters.


Mrs. Sheng was tall, thin, and soft spoken. Her corner-up-twisted mouth gave us the impression of always smiling. Her voice was soft, low and humming, seeming like released from the top of her head, which made her seem taller. When she spoke to us, her head slightly tilted to the side and her eyes lowered down on us with interest, fully enjoying her conversation with us.


Opposite to Mrs. Sheng, Mrs. Ye was below average height, with a dull voice that would be rumbling in her throat before being sent out. Her slightly sturdy figure moved slowly and steadily as she walked. When she spoke to one particular kid, her eyes would scan over all the little heads within her sight in all directions. Her jet eyes and serious face all together made us feel intimidated, despite the fact that she was actually a softhearted person.


When Mrs. Ye talked, she was commanding. When Mrs. Sheng ordered, she was singing.


They both wore the same boring hairstyle that was almost the only style among the women of above middle age in that specific era. It was at neck length, neatly combed back and secured behind ears by two black metal hair clips.


To do the hair, hands were required to reach up from sides, with a comb in one hand, and joined on the top of the head. The comb would tug through the hair from front to back while the other hand trailed after it to assist the hair stay smooth. After the combing, the hair behind one ear would be combed a few times to form a shape for a hair clip to cling in, and then the comb was dropped and a hair clip was picked up, while the other hand kept holding the hair in shape. The hair clips came with two sizes, one and half inch long and two inched long. Each was simply a thin, metal stick, bent over until two ends met to form two connected sticks with one stick slightly shorter than another. The tip of the longer stick would be gripped between the front teeth and with a quick jerk of the hand the two sticks parted for the fingertips to stick in to keep the clip open. The longer stick would be slid into the hair, and the clip stayed after the fingers were released. After one clip was put in place, the same exercise would be repeated behind the other ear.


We watched Mrs. Sheng and Mrs. Ye went through the same routine every morning before we were called to get up and out of the bed.

