A soccer mom

One day in the past spring, as I was taking a walk around the community, the distant shouts beyond the houses caught my attention. I knew for certain it was from a sport event, probably a soccer game. It reminded me that the soccer season was just about to begin.


I was a soccer mom during my son’s ten-year soccer “career” prior to his college life. Two days earlier, I replayed a homemade movie recorded ten years ago. The tape had been ignored and sitting in the tape holder for quite a while. For some reason I picked it out and slid it into the VCR slot. Soon the tape came back to life and I began to enjoy his soccer games as the tape kept rolling. The children looked so cute back then (all fine young men now). Their faces were rounder, voices higher, body frames smaller and shorter, and their bunny teeth sticking out while grinning. Along the sidelines, parents were yelling in excitement, squeaking in nervousness and applauding in joy. I searched for familiar faces and murmured their names, recalling what colleges they had chosen to attend. In the end, I regretted for not taking enough movies as I should have.


Therefore here is the advice from a kick-herself mom. Lazy for a moment, regret for life. Don’t let your laziness or inconvenience take over the course. Otherwise, you might end up to be a LOSER just like me.
