To count or not to count

Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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The other day I caught a show on PBS and it's about pursuing the "true calling" of your life.

Basically it says that everyone should strive to do the thing(s) that really get you excited. Be it whatever. This doesn't mean that you should quit your day job immediately (if you know what your dream job/work is, that is). But if you take baby steps at the beginning and continue your efforts your life will be fulfilled beyond your wildest expectations.

Blah blah. Yadiyadiyada.

(I'm really into this kind of the things, btw.)

Anyhow. One of the things that was said is that you should never count your blessings.

Because the fact that you count your blessings signals that you are not satisfied, not entirely at least.

My interpretation: counting your blessings is a hold-backer or holder-back. It's risk-averse, if you will.

So if you are not 100% happy, you should sod it all. However, sod it all gradually.

But just this morning, I counted my blessings! And I was well into the counting before I even realized it.

Maybe that means that I'm just innately more risk-averse??

