My Journal (Month 7)

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Austin Chutian's 7th month

August 12, 2005, Friday

Bad luck! I fell off the bed this morning.

August 13, 2005, Saturday

Bad luck again! One of our car tires was flattened and we were stuck in a restaurant (we didn't mean to go there) for nearly 2 hours.

August 14, 2005, Sunday

A dad's classmate, Uncle Shen, came to visit us. He is from China.

August 20, 2005, Saturday

We have decided to buy a new car. Mom wants a minivan or SUV. Dad makes choice on the brand. So we went to check 2 Buick dealerships.

August 21, 2005, Sunday

Another dad's classmate, Uncle Wu, came to visit us. He drove from Canada. We had lunch in a restaurant called Panda House, and had dinner in Uncle Ling and Aunt Qi's home.

August 26, 2005, Friday

Pedi Care for the 6 months checkup. For the 3rd time, I got 3 shots of vaccines. My weight has grown to 18 lb 1 oz, and my height is over 27 inches.

August 30, 2005, Tuesday

Dad drove a brand new minivan back. A red 2005 Buick Terraza. It looks beautiful and spacious!

September 3, 2005, Saturday

Today we got together with Aunt Bryna and Uncle Maneesh. We went to restaurant called Hongkong Cafe. It was great to see them again!

September 4, 2005, Sunday

We went to Haddam Neck Fair. I saw many horses there. Not terribly interesting and I fell asleep most of the time.

September 10, 2005, Saturday

I have got a new friend Caleb but he is only 7 weeks old.  We visited his home today.  I felt I was so big when seeing him!  His mom is Aunt Sharon and his dad is Uncle Jonathan.
