房产投资 -网友网言摘录

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 我在一个亚洲人很少的大学城。 人均收入只有3万/年。

这里的房子不贵,十万就可以买到1500平尺,3房一浴, 并可出租800左右。房价看来是不会涨的,不跌就很好了。 房租基本上可以付清贷款地税和基本维修费用。 这样的房地产是否值得投资?如果一切顺利的话,基本上是房客帮我供, 15年后赚到这房子。 听起来不错,你们觉得可以吗?还是说,手里有两万现金,用别的用途更好? 都说说看。。 


* 不管买房租房,都要看当地经济发展趋势。

* Baffalo, Rochester, these areas are hopeless. The weather is tough, the local economy sucks due to the declining Kodak.

* 所以投资是否值得,要因人而异。我是这么计算的,成交价格要比市场价值低10%, 然后我付掉10%的首付, 除去piti, 每年的positive cash flow 要达到我首付的20%。 这样的投资我才做。 举个例子,我有个三家庭的房子, 几年前16万买进, 月租1800,每个月的piti 1450, 净剩350/月=4200/年, 大于首付的20%, 再加上房子的升值,现在觉得投资很值得。如果没有positive cash flow, 就算房租跟piti持平,房子升值,我也不会投资。 我刚才的计算方法是通过精确计算过的,房地产投资中称之为10-10-20 rule.

* If I follow your rule, there i s no house can be bought for investment purpose in BA since there are too many rich guys here looking for investment opportunity. So I mainly take advantage of the $500K tax free rule and counting on the price appreciation. Anyway, there is no free lunch. You can have positive cash flow because the house you bought does not appreciate much. Otherwise somebody else will compete with you and jack the price up.

  Buy 5, and you can retire -- The rule of thumb for income property is that you need to have positive cashflow within certain time period. If you can put down 30%, which is only $30K, you can not only cover everything, but generate income for next purchase as well, even including the salary you pay yourself to maintain the property.  Usually if you can find a property reaching break even point within 3 years, then it's a good buy. With immediate positive cashflow? It's a steal!

不错啊, 我投资的地点与你的不远, 不过在加拿大那边.好象回报差不多.

其实很简单, 一旦尝到甜头, 就会一步一步做下去. 我刚买第一个时还有点打鼓, 到现在为止已经买了好几个了 :-)

* The price is very good. In the area I am living, average household income is almost $40K, but similar house will cost at least $250K. It doesn't take much risk for you to try

* You are right, as long as the university is there, as long as Niagara falls is there, people are there. Those who said Buffalo is hopelss probably has have some sour grape. Just simply ignore them. Even in the midwest, there are still people buying houses.

One thing though, renting the houses out is not an easy job, especially if you have some bad luck having some bad tenants.

good luck,   kcuf007

* no high-paying job creation. This place is depressed old industry belt no hope of long term

real estate appreciation. SAVE your money to invest in better places. In such low income town, housing value won't go up like high income bi-coastal cities. Cheap is not always better.
