I've been keeping work hard for the past 2 weeks, for the hope in my heart and the ambition for my future. Everything seems so on the way it should be,I follow my heart and let go flow with it. I believe I had inspired by myself, stay in confident and always busy but content in life.
I never thought it should be that hard to getting a job for I was blind to reality. Just saw the door is open, but didn't get the point on how hard to get to the door and knock at it.
I went to volunteer, just because I saw a article say so, then I had to quit even without starting it cause it will through myself out of my sechdules on school and assignment. Then I was about creazy on all job hunting website, try to find a spot not only fit in my backgroung but also can make me pay my bills and get me to be an Canadian citizen. How ideal that plan I have been dreaming and can't wait to make it become true. Hello! who do you think you are?
I then go with coop, got 2 interviews so far. Both them are calling from other provinces, but I don't mind travel long distance. I was so want to go working at IBM, I want it so bad. Just felt good after interview and start being depressed after a while, I feel I blew it. This is the third rejection, the other two are from letters from RIM and IBM. Today's interview was really not in my plan list, I think I did good, no matter what the result was, I found I was getting into it, i mean the interview, I get used to do it, which boost my interview experience.
I will keep waiting for couple of days to catch the new open and will work hard on my searching, at least, I think i deserve a response or consideration on the position. Nothing came to me till now. Reality bites! It is hurt. really hurt