He sleeps
with his heart open
letting the ocean waves
rock his little boat
back n'forth n'back
like falling
asleep in lover's bosom
. . .
How big the heart can be!
What a roar the blood makes!
As the day recedes
the shadow of Self
stretches long
like any memory
left on earth
sprouting backward
deeper and deeper
into a blue heart
. . .
The story of Love
is a white dove
fighting the harsh wind
over the oceanic chaos
flying towards a sound
softly calling
its name in Mandarin, English
Farsi, Hebrew
. . .
Or the language of dream
with its liquid textuality
tangible & transparent
bringing the one afar
closer and closer
. . . the words
float, bleed
dancing . . .
Someone sleeps
with his ears open
listening to the ocean's pulse
::october '05
影云 发表评论于
depending on how the poem is translated . .. .
LTG 发表评论于
i see....
i am wondering if the four-character phrase sounds too archaic....'cause the rest of the poem is in plain speech, so to speak....
影云 发表评论于
置 more match the meaning of "within"
知凡 发表评论于
影云 发表评论于
LTG 发表评论于
知凡 发表评论于
影云 发表评论于
but heart opens
dream widens
LTG 发表评论于
sleep well.....remember to close your eyes, ears, etc...
影云 发表评论于
i love it tooo;)finally i can sleep well
a lot of fun with words . . .
LTG 发表评论于
yy: 幻至如归
this one is really good!!!!
影云 发表评论于
LTG 发表评论于
now, you are making me "think" again.....:)
but i really like what you both got so far.....enjoy them!!!!
知凡 发表评论于
translation needs different approaches....sometime you have to add words, other times you can replace or create new words in order to "match" the other version....
i know that image, but hard to put it into chinese ;)
LTG 发表评论于
yy: 乡幻???
not sure.....it changes the image.....
zf: 我越来越对正反词没有辨别力了。。。
don't worry....that means you are thinking too hard :)
translation needs different approaches....sometime you have to add words, other times you can replace or create new words in order to "match" the other version....
影云 发表评论于
LTG 发表评论于
i almost titled the poem " i feel like home in each imagination".....